Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

@Fusur, Maybe Community council wasn’t required since we’ve sub forums for each class, game activity , rp…etc. We only needed Devs and CMs talking on those sub forums, Now We’ve a 100 player sample that’s not working because only a small portion do threads and post, besides the lack of blue response.


As predicted. Eve’s CSM says hi, they are mostly useless in practical terms too! Wow wanted to copy that for some reason.

It would have gone better if player voted. It gets players vested in the system. Yes it becomes a popularity content. But its a player based one. Not the devsm who probably blacklisted quite a few players off that list.

Everyone knew this wouldn’t change a thing from the beginning. They just like to gaslight people into thinking they care so of course the CC section is worthless.

For example ive been asking about legacy content fixes and buffs since BFA and they have ignored it, Even the CC posted a very wordy thread detailing the same issues. Nothing… nada… Just Ion crying about how it “hurts the teams feelings thinking they don’t care.” Ion has acknowledged the problem multiple times in interviews but amounted to “we know we will fix it promise /kiss” then file 13 the issue until its brought up again. If neglecting and ignoring an issue is caring about it then yeah they are doing fantastic.


Basically. Wow at this point needs to fail to get better. Its done wonders for eve. It saw a nice dark age even I left for a time. This…got its devs to listen. Now they throw some pasta on the wall players asked for. Some of it seems to be sticking lol.

Novemebers expac release a player asked for feature finally comes to be.

We can be pirates, officially. PLayer asked for feature finally comes. You can now officially align with some pirate factions.

Been seeing slight numbers increases recently. Even I coughed up some money to see it. sale on subs…I can fly for the angel cartel a few months to give it a go.

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CC holds no water anymore. They probably did before but even the very few CC who try and not just there for the cool name color changes have their hands tied. They’re suppose to be the speaker of players but Blizzard listens to no one so I don’t even see the point of them to be honest, like no offense. Blizzard just starts banning forum people who go against anything they say these days so it’s just like, why bother?

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Maybe, I’m cynical about this response but it’s more of the same, every patch/expansion will have new threads from Blizzard on sub sections like PTR and Community Countil, this didn’t address the big gap between threads created by members and Dev response. Also, the issue that only a small % of the 100 members actually participate activately on the forum.

It was expected that with news around Blizzcon, there’s going to be the typical Community Council live chat and some threads, What is Blizzard doing to address the massive amount of threads for topics that are even duplicated now? Some members did threads and now they’re not longer part of the feedback tool that’s the council.

If members of the council are creating this kind of thread about if the idea is working or not, then you need to address this better and it’s not the first thread about this issue.

Listen I’m critical about WoW. Mostly with the hatchet job they did to the lore and how they let broken op specs stay broken for so long.

However, just doing a quick glance at that the topics in the Community Council, most of the topics, 90%+ seem to be non issues. If I was the Dev’s I would ignore the majority of them too.

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This is the biggest issue for me. For what do they pick these people, when nobody actually post here?

Everyone has the ability to apply for the Community Council, and Blizzard picks them based on what interest has been written down.

It has nothing to do with how many posts you’ve made on this forum, if that’s what you mean.

I think the beauty and also partly the goal of the community council is that you have people giving their opinion about subjects which have different playstyles.

In any case, just because you feel them to be a non issue, it doesn’t it actually is.

Exactly, However; I think the community and even other council members expected a more active sample, but as mentioned by other council member these portion of players are also busy and the lack of response is discouraging.

True, We need those, that’s why the CM response about some threads this Friday after Blizzcon is just more of the same, instead of addressing the huge amount of topics created by members that are talking about different playstyles and goals,

It was the height of the lawsuit era… People were protest leaving ( Though that didn’t last long). shadowlands was being panned… It was definitely a p r move. I’m sure they had good intentions.

But, yeah, if you thought it was going to change anything, that was a little funny. It was the equivalent of changing the portraits to bowls of fruit for their employees, peace of mind. A big nothing trying to look like a big something about ‘really listening now’

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You say that, but there have been quite a few Live chats already with us, where we could ask them anything about a certain subject… I know it’s not a lot, but it’s better than it was… it just needs… more to keep up with the momentum.

I do say that

It was never going to be a place where you got candid discussions with developers that have no PR experience. So if there’s a post with ideas that aren’t going to get implemented you’re not going to get a long explanation as to why or a debate on the subject.

And it was always going to be somewhat rigged by self selection and the selection process itself. Kind of focus group with no random sample.

i forget it exists, i dont read their posts, and the one that got linked to general forum i highly disagreed with his opinion so i guess not :slight_smile:

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even the community council members are posting on level 10s kek

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It was wholly a PR move to calm the public. I don’t think they had any real intention of taking it seriously.

Usual “controlling the narrative” type move by corporate, so they try to fling ideas like this at the wall. You know, the same suits that proposed buying some media outlets out to implement such.

Think the latest narrative control is fluffing up news feeds with “this week in wow” and “blue news” regurgitated reposts like a kid trying to make a 200 word essay into a 300 word one.


Last live chat was August 18th (Classic Hardcore), previous Live chat July 14th (Evoker Augmentation), Live chat May 25th (Wrath classic).

We need more live chats around any topic, so maybe they can address the huge amount of threads created compared to the blue response more frequently, remember that It took almost 1 year, 1 council rotation before the first live chat. I remember that because I pushed via forums and other media those calls.

They only chat about the topics that they were going to do anyway.

Can anyone actually point to something that the CC has done objectively to improve the game or communication with the player base? I don’t follow them other than when I went in and read stuff in the beginning. I still feel it was nothing more than a PR move… and personally I can’t think of a thing that has been changed for the better due to their influence.