Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

It can be considered that, if the person comes off as attention seeking, spammy, manipulative, etc. Like they are trying to build their brand and create engagement for the sake of engagement. However once in a while taking a topic to GD is fine. Just consider carefully if it would be a constructive discussion about the issue.

I guess that’s fair, the annoying part is that Blizzard promised they would make more Feedback threads themselves, yet it’s nowhere to be seen.


Well…talking about this.

I bet there’s a misscommunication between players, devs regarding this recent thread (and wowhead title).

it was about rewards and then WoWhead took Devs response and it was turned into a punish leaver thing…At this moment, I don’t know if Chimes talked about leavers or Rewards for participation since he’s a reward Dev.

Also, a lot of Council threads could have that kind of response but Devs should be clear about which part of the topic, they’re talking about.

This even lead to a question during a M+ Q&A on which Morgan didn’t knew about the topic.

They mean the targeted feedback threads on the Council forum. When they want Council feedback slotted into subject related baskets, and want to hear thoughts, they make their own Blue threads to direct the Council to. That comment was not directed to the GD forums/or meant for here.

They do the same with PTRs/Betas for some of their games. Like, we just patched this into the PTR tell us in this thread what you think.

And those are focus on the new content that was already address on 10+ interviews, What about the many legacy or current engagement concerns…

Also, they’ve 2300+ questions from the forums, Why Devs only do 1 Q&A? Instead of doing multiple based on that pool of questions over several months.

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I gave sorta the same feedback here BlizzCon – What’s Next after Dragonflight - #24 by Cyrios-feathermoon

The community council is even more worthless than the MVP program was.

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I think the green letters look better than this pee colour!


Would CC rather have their threads get 0 attention from mods or from players.

Or would they rather risk interacting with the community. The risk being trolls, the benefit being visibility and interaction.

The last time I interacted on the GD, I got a lot of poop over me, I had to use a lot of skill (I work in mental health care) to not let it get to me and try to shift the conversation to a more positive tone.

This in itself rubs me wrong. We have to sign a ToS when go in-game claiming they’re committed to provide a space for everyone. The whole Blizzard PR machine went nuts after the Shadowlands lawsuits happened to show everyone they’re actually good. But that’s the thing, it still seems it’s all just a PR farce to save face. The little man is still looked down on because the big shots set the rules.

I’ll eat my words when teams from the RWF get banned for gear trading, buying gold and exploiting.

They serve two very different functions.

  • Council is a group selected to communicate with the CMs, Devs, Artists, Accessability folks, etc.
  • MVP programs are selected for participants to interact with the forum posters. Tech/CS for example provides links to the right support ticket paths, explains policies, links to knowledge base articles, etc. Other Community game specific programs focus on just being friendly and answering player questions. They did not exist to collect or provide feedback to Devs. They were people who were already being helpful (supposedly), and were ok with having their text turned green.

They are MUCH better. I was very happy to have my green back. After a decade I am really comfy with it. mmmm mold and moss


In the specific case you’re quoting… well I scrolled back on Discord and… well oh boy… there is more to this.

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I always thought the community council was pointless anyways.

Care to elaborate? More to this in a bad way or these claims being false rumours?

I don’t think it’s decent to air someone elses dirty laundry but there was no saint in this.

Granted I wasn’t in the Council when this happened almost a year ago but I could scroll back

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There is always more to it. Usually the Blizz staff (who are not supposed to be babysitters), are not always watching the Discord. It is for Council folks to chat with Council folks and where coordination for any zoom calls, etc happens. It is not a place to give feedback to Blizzard in secret. Council folks have been known to get into somewhat heated debates about topics - which is ok as long as people are respectful, but Blizz wants all actual Council feedback on the forums, not in the Discord.

Then there are times things turn personal or political. Usually someone gets their feelings hurt and leaves, even if the other person got a warning/advice to stop it. Rarely is it one sided with an “innocent” party and an “abuser”. It takes two to play those games.

Excellent call.


Community council was always about Blizzard throwing crumbs to the playerbase with the intention of ignoring the whole thing and pretending they listen.

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It was a PR stunt, nothing more. The current team that is working on WoW right are some of the most out of touch developers I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.

Their, “we know what is best” design philosophy has slowly marched this game into the toilet. I thought DF was a step in the right direction, but DF ended having a lot of the same problems the game has had since Legion.

I don’t think the new expansion is going to right the ship here, the people working on the game just don’t have the experience, the talent and the humility to make a fun MMO.

Edit: I’d like to add, a lot of their design decisions seem to based on player metrics and designing systems to pad MAUs, which is never going to make for a fun MMO.


To be fair most of the community and even some of the community council should be ignored.

That one hunter that posts in GD a lot is a prime example.