Ally healer lf btags

Currently have a rdruid geared and in the process of gearing a disc priest

Your cr/xp isn’t important - I’ll play with anyone. I just want to get as many games in as possible without sitting in LFG. Super friendly I’ll never rage at anyone :slight_smile:




Add me :ok_hand:t2:

I’ll be online in 45 minutes if anyone wants to queue! Rdruid or disc priest lf dps - any cr/xp!

Perhaps I can help you get your 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, or 2.1
Or even chain queue if you need to conquest cap

No rage at all just friendly games :slight_smile:


You know the game’s in a tough spot when a 2.4 Rdruid can’t get replies from anyone except Biebz trolling. :frowning: Someone get this man/woman some queues!


Love you doors <3

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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Right back at you. :smiley:


Reroll horde pls

good guy doors he’s like the anti numb


Have fun and good luck

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I just now boosted a horde druid and sent some conquest boxes his way. I’ll keep his gear up to date with my alliance healers next season, so if any horde players want a friendly rdruid to play with in the near future feel free to add me to your friends list :slight_smile:


That’s it BUGS TONIGHT!!!

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You got it friend :slight_smile:
I have a quick dinner date with my girlfriend after work tonight but I already told her evilscooty takes priority over her once we get back home

Let’s fing goo! we need a third! D:

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Ooohhh maybe some Warrior / unholy DK / rdruid or Disc?! I’m totally down if y’all want a melee cleave 3s session.

I had a blast last night running 2s Bugxy!
Thanks for the games and would love to finish grinding that 1800 this week!

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Of course! I had a great time
I’ll be off work the next 2 days so we’ll definitely get you that 1800 :slight_smile:

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Hey Evilscooty!

My buddy just xfered to Stormrage and I was contemplating it as well! How is your guild and are they fine with bringing in a DK? :slight_smile:

Add me EvilScout#1904

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