Ally have figured out how to premade again

Maybe the Alliance got gud and changed their attitude? :wink:

Here comes more tears about premades. At this point horde is going to demand only they can queue up as 5 mans and to ban Alliance from ever grouping.

How many more times are you guys going to demand changes to AV? lol


Possible, but then it was never the maps fault wasn’t it? The Horde were right all along the Alliance really just needed to “git-gud”

Have you not been on the forums for the last 5 weeks? Have you seen every thread from the Alliance basically wanting to change every pebble in AV?

I know you’re trying to sound witty and get a dunk in, but this one landed flat if you had any notion of what is currently going on.

Typical response, Horde cave lets horde reach Balinda faster than Alliance can and overtake SH bunker before Alliance can. It was moved back in TBC because this was deemed broken, but not an advantage.

I swear, Alliance win a few AVs, “See? Map is fine!”, Alliance win a few more “ZOMG PREMADES CHANGE AV!1”

Moving back the cave was done in TBC. Asking for an earlier form of AV is something people wanted. Demanding that Blizzard break premades, something that went on in Vanilla is far different. Win or Lose, Horde keep demanding changes.


Enjoy your bans. Also love how allies think ‘fair’ is a 40 man premade vs 40 pugs. Very telling as to their skill level.

Dropping queues is not an exploit. Queuing to get all in the same group is

There’s zero proof anyone is premading and if “bans” are handed out that only makes the horde que longer. :smiley:


Typical Ally response. You’re bad, get good like Asia.

Lol, you really are blind to what you’re saying arn’t you? In the span of 1 post you went from going to mock the Horde because you think they’re going to try to ask for changes to asking for changes.

You know as well as I do that it was only moved after the respawn-ticket system was introduced…and in that completely different version of AV, the cave did need to be moved. But we’re not in that version of AV, and you know it…but you don’t really care.

That line of texts, in the very same post complaining about the map and wanting to move the cave back…i don’t think you can be that blind without doing it on purpose.

You’re right, the act off simply dropping a queue is not an expoit and completely fine.

However, doing it en-masse with hundreds of other people, over-and-over to brute force 40 people into the same AV instance would be an exploit.


You know, nobody has yet told us this mythical Asian meta is. I wonder why that is?

With twitter, discord, YT etc etc you think there would be swathes of proof and all other Alliance copying the strat, yet… Nothing. So odd.


Cave never should have gone live when it was figured out it was a massive advantage. Alliance have a near 99% loss in AV but yeah it’s all attitude and nothing more, no advantages for Horde at all.

That is until Alliance win a few games and suddenly it’s a disaster. Talk about privileged mentality that the Horde has, where advantages aren’t really advantages and “fairness” is ensuring everyone but their side loses endlessly.

There you go again, simultaneously saying Horde want changes and criticizing them for it…while asking for changes yourself in the very same post.

lmfao 10char


The item level of the piece is too low to bother with. It’s only applicable to fresh alts.

Proof? Also, even if true, it’s just as likely the Asian Horde are just bad and can’t utilize the advantage they have. In other words, zug-zug brain.

Not asking for it, simply saying what people are asking for. Something that was done by Blizzard. What Horde asked for is a brand new change and seemingly one Horde is never satisfied with.

Quite honestly Horde won’t be satisfied until Alliance can no longer group que, leave que, forced to que solo for a minimum of 3 games upon login and have a 100% loss rate.

That’s what you’ll consider fair.


Fake news.

Telling me what I consider fair is pretty poor form, especially when I am on the record for wanting a healthier AV meta.

That healthier AV meta does not come through single-faction premades or turning AV into some sort of Frankenstein map that has never existed before though (moving the cave without the reinforcement mechanic has never existed before, and no one has any idea if it will be better or not for the state of the map.)

But coming into a thread and just spewing “lol horde are bad and are angry” really isn’t helpful.

Most likely, trolled around the EU forums a bit, and not a peep about it.

Honestly, the EU forums are down-right pleasant compaired to the countless streams of low-level retail alts with 4 posts gleefully waiting to type “zugs” like its an insult or a racial slur.

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Just randomize the starting locations, no map changes needed.