Allowed to Edit Macro File to Contain More Than 18 Macros?

Is it against the terms of service or in any way a bannable offence to edit the macros file (_retail_/WTF/Account/<Your Account Identifier>/<Server Name>/<Character Name>/macros-cache.txt) to contain more than 18 macros?

Doubt the game will read/access the additional ones.

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If you bind them it does. You can create and bind as many macros as you want. Even if the macro window doesn’t show them, they stay bound to your hotbar. This means so long as you’re alright with editing the file manually, you can have as many macros as you want per character.

The extra macros get deleted when your client pulls your macros down from the server though. This appears to happen any time you log back into a character after opening the character specific macro window.

You can probably set the file to read only after editing, but barring that you can just never open that window in-game.

You might as well just use the addon BindPad in that case.

Also, you could just add your overflow to non-character specific macro slots.

Sounds like you’re just looking to make your life more difficult otherwise.

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Actually I didn’t know about bindpad. That might be exactly what I need. I’ll check it out, thanks!

Checked out bindpad, this is pretty much perfect. Give me more keybindings without a complete UI overhaul. Stable with no update since 2018 so I don’t have to worry too much about it breaking. You are a genius. The only downside is that you can’t assign the macros to bar slots, but I bind everything anyway, so this isn’t an issue for me.

Thank you VERY much!

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