Allow Transfers to servers with existing Chars already!

If you have the ability to create a new character on a locked server then you should be able to transfer there.

If I just reroll a new character on a locked server then the transfer restrictions are not helping the server population.


Server transfer restrictions still really sucks.

I want to play with my wife on Benediction. I have a level 60 priest on a different server. I cant transfer the character so I’ve started leveling this hunter. I spend 100% of my play time on Benediction yet I cant bring my character over to the server. I am almost 60 at this point on this new character.

I will keep playing on this server to be with my wife and new friends. I’m stuck in this weird place though. How long do I wait for x-fers to open. Do i spend the large time sync leveling another priest to 60 on this server effectively wasting all the time I spent leveling the first character.

I am sure I am in the minority but I really wish x-fers were open. Right now every player can make a new character on Benediction. This doesn’t help the population or queue times. I would think if you opened back up transfers and all of a sudden there were huge queue times it would self regulate. People would x-fer if they didnt want to wait in queues or they would wait it out if they felt strong ties to the server/players. I know this is probably a bias / selfish request but I really wish the x-fers were open everywhere.


It’s pretty ridiculous that people with alts on a server cannot transfer to another server their mains are on at this point. It’s not going to change the layering situation since the account can only have 1 toon logged in at a time anyway, so there is zero downside of allowing it. Just open up transfers for folks with a character on the realm already! Hell, limit it to players with a 60 already on the realm if you have to, just let people play their preferred characters with their friends already!

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That’s a reasonable opinion. But it is not Blizzard’s opinion.
I am sure that Blizzard considered this option, and rejected it.

Blizzard does not think that your suggested rule does enough to prevent queues on the server, or more specifically “more player-time spent on the server”.

Blizzard’s idea is often different from players’ ideas. Blizzard is thinking about hundreds of thousands of players and 35 servers. Blizzard is also constantly thinking about technical limitations (on the internet, ISPs, Blizzard servers, etc.) that we players don’t know about.

So lots of suggestions that “seem reasonable” to a player, thinking only about how rules affect his characters, are rejected by Blizzard for reasons the player doesn’t know (or doesn’t think are “important”).

The game WoW does not have “mains” and “alts”. There is not one rule in this 16-year-old game that is different for “mains” and “alts”. Those are purely player terms, that talk about how SOME players choose to play. Not all players – some of us don’t have them.

But they are really about “your intent”, not anything real. A player can change “which character is my main”. How does the realm transfer rules know? Do you think “trust every player” works?

The realm transfer rules cannot be based on “mains” and “alts”.

Hiawanda, is this you? I bet it is, the way you articulate, they way you bring up your arguments. Arguments that have been proven as far it is possible to be wrong.

Blizzard’s brain muscles are pretty weak. You need to make like twenty more threads about this before they’ll realize you’re trying to talk to them.

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yep how many more threads do we need to make b4 we can get it through blizzard thick skull


Anyone else in this thread actually sad about AQ coming out?

It most likely means the population will increase on most servers with returning players to check out the new content. This also means servers that aren’t allowing x-fer right now probably won’t open back up for x-fers for quite some time.

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Yes, this is what I thought of, too. Thats why I deciced to power-boost the alt I actually wanted to transfer and gear him up again. It took me like 3-4 weeks of playing a lot but now my new Rogue is on par with the one I wanted to transfer.

Feels bad, but here we are

Agree! Totally Agree! please let us transfer!


Can they at least allow a certain number of PAID transfers a day/week and allow people to at least get in a queue. If someone is willing to have their character locked while they wait and pay blizzard money I don’t see what the problem is.

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Because these servers are full, and your desire to transfer there shouldnt force those who have been there the entire time to deal with massive queues again.

@Niia This thread is just referring to people who wish to transfer alts to servers where they already have a level 60, this would not affect queues at all.

nah, maccole doesnt have a 60 on the server he keeps demanding he be allowed to transfer to.

What are you talking about?? I have 60 on the Sulfuras.
Niia is insulting people without fact check

wheres the laugh react when you need it?

With Mage boosting, there is no point to transferring. Make a new one and Mage boost to 60.

There’s just no reason to throw money :moneybag: at Blizzard for no good reason.


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