Allow transfers please


First I would like to say I have been having a great time playing SOD.

I started a month ago for the first time and unfortunately didn’t do any research into the realms and just chose the one it gave me. As much fun as I am having Wild Growth appears to be very low population server where nothing seems to be going on. With the addition of the other versions of wow its population seems to have dropped even more recently. Since I started the game late it has been tough to find groups for anything, I’m usually just afk in the city. I’ve rolled a new char on Crusader Strike and this server has a much more robust population. I believe the past issues of this server and other high populations servers of que times are over since some have either quit or are playing other versions.

My request is to allow server transfer between the two servers.

Thank you.

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historically, transferring from a PvE server to a PvP server has almost never been allowed.