Allow PVP to PVE transfers for Anniversary

Allow players to transfer from PVP to PVE.

I’m sure a lot of people are tired of the broken layers on the PVP realms and constant unwanted PVP.

It also makes sense because leveling on a PVP server is harder so you aren’t gaming the system.

PVE transfers to PVP should remain impossible though.

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They just need to have 3-4 PvP servers not 1 mega fail server.


Did you not read the disclaimer when you chose Nightslayer?

Pretty convinced Buzz is just here to troll the forums.

1 mega server has been significantly better than multiple servers. Better economy, better community, less waiting for other people to do group content. It’s the best we’ve ever had it.

There is a disclaimer when you click on the server, and then another when you go to create a character on the server. I can type it out for you if you’d like it. I would post it here, but I can’t post images.