Allow Purchase of Staff Quest Drops with New Dungeon Currency

“You were right and im upset so im just gonna cross my arms and tell you to go away and deal with it”
Bad take after bad take

Literally not what I said but whatever makes you feel better bro :wink:

You can’t come up with any reason the lego should be locked, other than it feelsbadman. Just give the staff to anyone who tolerates the new dungeons, they are harder than firelands anyway

Not my fault you can’t read. Though I guess that’s fair enough with how bloated this thread got with that one guy who had some kind of hate-attraction to me. Let me see if I can find my main points for you…

Source needed

You mean like every other legendary up to this point? Show up pay some gold and its yours.

It took like 7 hours total to get my staff raiding included. Its harder to get blue pvp gear in vanilla than to get this staff

We did firelands, forcing people to do old content when the new content is long/hard enough is not good. Its not fun to run MC during AQ for bindings, its not fun to run firelands just for staff.

Lmao. “You can’t come up with any reason” “Ok here’s my reasons” “Your reason needs a source!”

Then you need a source for why the staff should be on the vendor. You’re the one demanding a change, after all

Actually scratch that, I don’t actually care. Keep flailing and whining angrily, I made my point forever ago, all I’m doing now is just flooding the OP’s post log

You said your opinion as fact, but your opinion is worthless when it comes to the devs intentions.

I want a source that legendaries are supposed to make people want to raid in cataclysm. You can’t provide one, and you intentionally ignored everything else I said lmao.

Every time

This is why you don’t make decisions. They’re bad.

Yes. This makes my point stand even taller.

This, as a person who has it, who cares how easy it is to get. You aren’t getting it in 1 week of 10 man clearing, give people an easier path.

No. You have really bad takes. This is why you haven’t done Firelands on that character.

Why? It’s already easy to get, making people do stale content for it, is not fun content.

Again, this is a form of gatekeeping.

Most groups are going to go as 10 man, finding 25 people who want to do an old raid is not likely.

They don’t want to be forced to do old content. I know this is hard to understand.

I have my staff - stop gatekeeping.

It’s about you wanting to gatekeep still. Even though you skipped firelands yourself.

You spelled weeks wrong, or months if you’re doing 10 mans. Gatekeeping getting to be a lot for you now?

Your opinion is gatekeeping.

an enchancement shaman gatekeeping is WILD

Your reasoning for it is to gatekeep.

He just wants to gatekeep, but the dudes an enhancement shaman. Take what he says with a very small grain of salt.

they did increase drop rates in FL. And nerfed it, so that everyone could do the heriocs easier. H beth has 2.2m hp now.

I just hope they fix H Domo

I make plenty of decisions. I said you wouldn’t like it. It’s amazing to me the number of people that want to litigate that. Cry more.

Firelands is objectively considered to be the most enjoyable raid tier in Cata. It’s so popular it was chosen for the timewalking raid. Keeping older content relevant is actually a GOOD thing. Making older content irrelevant is bad. Glad you don’t make decisions.

It is by definition a gatekept quest. You have several barriers of entry to get the staff baseline. Calling it “gatekeeping” just makes you look absurd.

Most pugs and GDKPs are 25m, the only groups running 10m are 10m guilds and splits as 10m is harder to clear than 25m. Not that there’s a significant difference in time between the two with the rate changes.

Bad take is bad. Stop playing MMOs. Keeping older tier content relevant is good.

It’s a gatekept quest BY DEFAULT. Waah. You are two years old. Yes, you have to work for something. That is how these games work. By your definition all gear is gatekept, so everyone should just be able to log in and buy everything for free from vendors in the town like on PTRs.

Wrong. People literally HATE firelands. What???

This isn’t keeping content relevant, it’s making it a chore.

I saw many 10 mans yesterday forming, not one 25. People aren’t wasting their time on GDKPing in Firelands anymore.

This is just incorrect.

You could make 3-4 in a 12 weeks period in 10 man - you can make 10-12 in 25 man. What??

You didn’t manage to kill H Rag. You’re literally 6/7.

Sure if it’s not stale and made into a chore.

How is it free if you have to do current content for it…? You’d literally have to choose getting current gear over old gear in this case. What?

Literally one of the highest rated raids in all of WoW. You’re just wrong. I am sure there are people that DO hate it. I don’t care about a single person you prop up. Statistically it’s one of the most loved raids. Pretty sure it’s only beaten out by Ulduar and ICC in most polls.

This is a distinction that means nothing. If the game feels like a chore stop playing.

Annecdotal evidence that means nothing.

It is factually correct. Look at clear rates for heroic bosses in 10m and 25m over the last 2 weeks on warcraft logs. For every single boss, EVERY ONE the 10m clear rate is lower in 10m than 25m. That is objective and provable. 10m is harder than 25m.

It’s 4-5 in 10m, and you can run splits meaning you would be getting 8-10 with 20 people versus 10-12 with 25. Not statistically different in rate.

And? This has what to do with my position on older content remaining relevant in MMOs? You’re just throwing out insults because you have nothing else you can do. Curiously you aren’t showcasing your own logs. Interesting that it’s always the low level trolls that want to bring up raid logs while hiding their own.

This is your opinion. And it’s wrong.

Your argument is that any restricted access to the content YOU think should happen is “gatekeeping” because you disagree with it. By that logic ANY restriction someone doesn’t like is “gatekeeping”. Therefor I don’t like that I have to do any content at all for gear. I just want to buy it from a vendor, and anyone that disagrees with me is “gatekeeping”. That is the extent of your argument.

The quest is restricted. You have to raid firelands, you have to do a questline, the questline only allows one person per step to collect the required materials in a raid which has a lockout. Every single aspect of the legendary staff has a restriction and limitation to acquire it BY DESIGN.

The requirement YOU have is to show and explain WHY you think it should be changed to make it less restrictive and easier to achieve NOW than it is by initial design, and no calling anyone that disagrees with you a gatekeeper is not a reason.

I put forth my reasoning for it. I think that it is fine to give a limited way for players to achieve some of the materials for their staff while they continue to farm it in firelands themselves too. A method that doesn’t allow for a reason collection of the entire materials outside of firelands, but merely a way for players already on the quest to expedite in a small way.

There’s several reasons I think this is worth doing, whether my values are ultimately correct is up for debate, they just happen to be the ones I chose. But it does several things:

Keeps the Firelands raid relevant.
Keeps players that are geared and interested running twilight protocol dungeons even after the initial first week.
Active raiding and dungeons are key to a functioning and healthy MMORPG.
It keeps players from running exclusively dungeons for their staff or circumventing the existing process for getting it normally.

You can call that gatekeeping all you want, but if we’re just going to blow away all content every time a new patch comes out it doesn’t make sense to have it at all. It’s not hard to jump into Firelands and knock out the heroic bosses minus Rag, especially with the nerfs. Clear rates are up for 25m already. Since you don’t have to clear heroic rag, and with the massive nerfs to the bosses, it will be even easier than before.

Ultimately it sounds more like the issue is less Firelands the Raid and more not being chosen to get the drops.

Did you miss the entire first part of this thread? I stopped reading here, because clearly, you have since I explained why it should be changed.

Sorry you think it should be gatekept behind weeks of old content.

If it wasn’t for the fact that most 25 man guilds already have it in high numbers, it wouldn’t matter, but like several other people have also stated, it’s going to be a requirement to get into any decent Heroic DS. EVERY caster in my raid group has it, we are working on healers now.

I don’t care either way, I have my staff, you’re getting bent out of shape because I think how they made it easier prior was to much, now making it a basic necessity, it’s literally thousands of DPS ahead of the next best thing.

People don’t care if it’s relevant, if they have been raiding Firelands this whole time chances are they already have the staff on their main caster. If they don’t have a staff at this point they haven’t been fully raiding for it (or at least with a consistent group) they’re a healer, they’re an alt or they just came back.

If they’ve been doing Firelands this whole time, they don’t want to keep going back, it’s stale content that we’ve been stuck in, sure it’s easier, but that doesn’t make it “fun” content. If you skipped the raid, chances are it’s because you didn’t want to do it. Tons of people are coming back for Dragon Soul/MoP.

It’s okay, people are allowed gear. If their wasn’t a vendor for other firelands gear it would be one thing, but that’s already been added to the game.

Ultimately it sounds like your issue is “I had to do it so should they!!!” - that’s not a good reason.

You managed to write two paragraphs worth of text and yet still won’t answer or explain a simple question. Instead you only know the word “gatekeep” because you’re mentally deficient in discussions. That word is like your “I win” button and you smack it as hard as you can. Sorry but that’s not what gatekeeping is or means. Whine about it more.

Demonstrate that it will be a requirement to get into those groups. Because it won’t. Most groups will be guild groups anyway. And if you’re in a guild group and you cannot get it, that sounds like a personal problem. Just as an example, that staff is very strong but it’s not make or break for dps. You can absolutely be a caster dps and push in heroic content without that staff. You just WANT it to be required so you can avoid a real discussion, because making false claims about it means you don’t have to do legwork on it.

I’m not getting bent out of shape over the staff. If they add it cool, if they don’t add it also cool. It will change literally nothing for me. But I still have an OPINION on it. What makes me bent out of shape are garbage people like you that come in here violating the forum rules and ruining discussions because you’re such a terrible person that anyone disagreeing with you makes you freak out.

You’re either trash at discussion or intentionally trolling and shouldn’t be on these forums.

I’ve been raiding Firelands this whole time. I have my staff. I still like Firelands, and I would still raid it because I like raiding. You’re describing how an MMORPG works. There’s mounts in that raid. They could also put the obsidian shards in there like the coins from SoD. They could make that raid still worth running. That’s how good MMOs work, by keeping old content relevant. If you find playing the game a chore, why are you playing it?

At no point have I said this. You’re strawmanning my position because you can’t intellectually engage with it. Because you’re either a troll that should be banned from any forum with reasonable moderation, or bad at discussion.

Never thought I’d agree with Amideus on something but bro’s spitting fire

Yeah I didn’t read any of that. You clearly didn’t read anything I typed because I already answered this, extremely early too. You just want to gatekeep the staff - for “reasons” that relate to making Firelands relevant. People don’t want that, they’re tired of it, I get you didn’t kill H Rag, but maybe now you can.

Not totally I guess? lol.

You can buy the mounts - you also got 2 on H Rag every kill. These aren’t reasons to make it a chore.

And no, doing old content isn’t fun - it’s why they bring new content out over time.

You’re silly.

It wouldn’t matter if you did because you’d have ignored it anyway like every other post in this thread.

This thread has 176 posts in it. I’m not hunting up somewhere to try and find whatever vague thing you’re referring to only for you to then lie about it anyway. If you can type this over and over you can also explain it. The only reason NOT to explain or answer is because you can’t or you know you’ll get clowned on or both.

Again, any restriction to getting gear, such as raiding or ilvl or anything else is a “gatekeep” you can keep using this word all you want, it just makes you look stupid.

What would that matter? I chose not to progress on Heroic Rag because it would be a chore. It was more fun to just quickly clear normal Rag after a night of heroics considering my 10m guild all play other games too. Stop “gatekeeping” my opinion on things because I didn’t kill one specific boss on heroic. Seems like you’re fine with being an arrogant elistist prick when it suits you.


You keep making these claims, wrongly and ignorantly, because you want YOUR view to be correct. It isn’t. Not just like opinion wise, but factually through objective data from YEARS of MMORPGs.

It’s clear you just want to troll so I’ll be putting you on ignore from this point and reporting any further replies as well as all your replies violating the CoC. I suggest moving on friend.