Allow Legendary Transmogs

I know it was not allowed until much later, but there is no reason to not let me transmog my Sulfuras which has been sitting in the bank for two expansions especially since you have added functions such as Collections from post-Cataclysm.


I would also say do the opposite… let us mog legendaries away to epics… its annoying that we can not change our valanyr and shadowmourne appearances :smiley:


Not allowing us to transmog legendary weapons makes no sense. There is no good reason for it to not be possible.


Yeah I was really bummed to see that you still can’t mog legendaries. I hope they change this before release, seems like such an easy win. Going to be really bummed to replace my Shadowmourne with a blue dungeon axe. :frowning:

Yeah, it really is a no-brainer to allow them. I feel for all you who got Shadowmourne.

hello yes please i really want this

Ive been asking for this for months

#nochanges. cry more

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go play retail, there u can transmog everything

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imagine spouting #nochanges as if there hasn’t already been changes since classic 2019

The wow launcher literally advertises it as #SomeChanges lol

I heard that retail allows this now. Hope this helps.

You do know they added the Collections function from Retail, and as others pointed out we are long past #nochanges.