Once upon a time during WoD, there was a workaround with the garrison enchanting building where hunters were able to apply a enchant appearance/illusion to their weapons, and it did show on the weapon. While it didn’t work for most hunter weapons it did for at least a few and proved that some hunter weapons can support this feature:
For example:
So please allow hunters to apply enchant appearances to their weapons again.
I am not asking or expecting Blizzard to modify all weapons so the illusions show up on every hunter weapon, that would be ridiculous and very resource wasting, since there are literally hundreds of hunter guns, bows, and crossbows… but at least allow hunters to apply illusions for the few that do support them and maybe any new bow, gun, or crossbow added to the game from this point forward, could simply be developed to support enchant appearances from the get-go.
I’m not gonna lie, but those pics you posted make me say “nay” to illusions on firearms.
I could understand a bow. But why would I want a glowing gun? I’m not feeling it.
Isn’t that called…
Or am I missing something.
No. They’re called illusions. Where you place an enchant on a weapon just for the looks.
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not weapon appearances. the enchant appearances/illusions (aka the glow or effect)
It is pretty ridiculous that we can’t, what is the issue with letting hunters play with these options?
Then you could chose to hide the illusions. No problem there.
tbh what you displayed doesn’t look all that great. in my opinion what they should do for hunters is illusions should be added to the arrows or bullets of the ranged weapon. allowing hunters to have different effects for their shots
can work for bows, crossbows, and guns. personally i prefer guns. Bows are for fairy Legolas RPers… j/k but yeah just choose what you like.
Or not apply an illusion at all. 
Don’t apply it/hide it w/e. The problem is there are players that do want these options.
OH. How did I not remember there were illusions? Hmm.
I would really like this to be a thing. I think bows in particular would look AMAZING with Wraithchill or Voidedge illusions in particular!
just the random few pics i found online from when this loophole was in the game, so ignore the particular enchants used.
Also if you don’t like enchant appearances on your weapons, then simply don’t apply one. problem solved. however there are plenty of players who like to apply appearances on their weapons.
absolutely. I’ve always wondered why that patched that out. Why are hunters always mistreated? Whats the harm in it? Literally every class can use their illusions except us. Whats the reason?
I just want to be able to add the appearance of Flintlocke’s Woodchucker back to my weapon.
“slike a wee angry bullet wit’ teeth, son.” ^.^
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Sucks that ranged hunters are locked out of using 5 different prestige rewards from PvP. Especially when some of those illusions are some of the best in the game.
100% exactly… I too don’t understand what’s the harm in allowing this and why it’s so taboo that Blizzard had to literally go out of their way to patch out the ability for hunters to put an illusion on their weapons.
I just want the scopes applied to bows to be visible.
I’m all for adding Illusions to Hunter-based weapons. Wish Blizzard would allow this to happen.
Jan 2022 and STILL no love for the hunters. I just unlocked the Illusion " Wild Soul but I am a hunter so its wasted because I cant apply it to my bow. I dont understand the reasoning with this. The legion artifact bows are the most transmogged weapons for hunters,why? Because they effing glow. I also like usign the Artifact bows for mogs, because they also show a matching quiver of arrows. Which EVERY other game this is a standard feature of Bows. So if the legions stuff has the glow effects why not let us actually use the illusions? If you dont like the illusions then dont use them.