Blizzard, I wonder if you would allow characters with long hair or hair that isn’t tied up to show when wearing hats. It would make building characters with hats (example is the cosmetic pirate hats, Santa hats, or old school hats, caps, wizard hats) look all the more better when the hair could show. High Inquisitor Whitemane for example has her hair showing with her hat on but if we wear it all the hair is up. Please make this an option at the very least in barber shop in case there are those who like how it is already, to allow hair to show!
Add my long flowing luscious beard under helmets and you have my full support.
I support it, but I know this is something of a design flaw that was accepted back when WoW was first being developed. I’m not saying it would be impossible, but it might be like trying to change out a chunk of a skyscraper’s foundation while it’s filled with people, and construction is continuing on the top floors…
1000% overdue, the transmog window just needs a little box to tick similar to the “seperate shoulder mog tickbox” that with hide/show hair with the helm equipped.
clipcity but still, it would be cool even to just have the option for at least the witch/wizard hat mogs
All I ever wanted to be was a pirate, a pirate who is proud of my hair.
omg yes please.
I dislike how Muffin’s hair goes all super short. Blech.
the tavern crawl lets you wear a hat for 4 hours that the hair hangs down, so imo it is the company not wanting to spend a few extra dollars to polish the game making more hats this way, so female characters get stuck with the buzz cut look.
And the Kul Tiran heritage armor must be rigged so that either 1) the hat/helm duplicates the hairstyle the player has and adds it to the underside of the helm, or 2) the helm/hat acts like the circlets/crowns do where they are added onto the hair and don’t actually occupy a traditional helmet slot.
Do it. I think it’s time don’t you all agree?
The problem is that WoW is an incredibly old game. Hair showing leads to all sorts of horrendous clipping problems. The new mage tier set will not hide hair, which will lead to some bizarre clipping through the hat.
Blizzard needs to find some way to fix it. I think maybe some sort of “dome” that adds occlusion to the top of your model’s head and hides it, while leaving the lower part intact. I’m sure it’s not quite that simple, but they really need to figure out a way to do it. It’s embarrassing for there to be such bad clipping problems in this game.
That’d be cool, but Sally Whiteman’s… Sally Whitemane, ain’t no one gonna be that sexy!
Hell, it doesn’t even have to be our character’s actual current hairstyle. Just have a specific generic hairstyle for each character race/gender made to work with hats. Or even one long and one short hair option for each if you’re feeling really generous.
I’d be happy with a checkbox at the transmog guy, that just lets me turn my hair between natural and ‘clipped’ - no need for blizz to go through and figure out exactly which hats need which parts of all the hair styles to adjust… just one checkbox.
“Allow” is the wrong word. The phrase you are looking for is “Update the damn engine.”
Anything they can do to add better hair and hair physics with or without a outfit piece is a solid win. It was still one of the best things in Red Dead Online.
Find the Z value coordinate for the bottom of the hat.
Union between hair model and hat model
Find all hair polygons above that Z value, delete them.
Though part of me worries that if it were this easy for WoW’s engine to do this sort of thing, they would have done it already.
Blizzard is missing out.
All those pirate hats they sell on the TP or for Pirates day? I’d buy and use them if they didn’t make my toon bald.
The improved Hallow’s End witch-style hat really drives home how silly the making-your-hair-disappear look thing is.
Yeah, going back and reworking how headpieces work in the game, especially for all the legacy items out there, would be a pain.
But it’s a long standing ask that would be worth it to do, IMO.
Idc if clipping is a bit of an issue, I mean it is for almost everything already, hats would be the least of my clipping concerns.
I know nothing about game development but this really can’t be THAT hard of a fix right? RIGHT?!