Allow full visage form

Life protip: worry less about what other people want. It frees up so much brainspace.

Much of the gameplay is centered around using those basic attacks to proc the breath attacks and the like. When you’re “on a roll,” you’re casting them pretty frequently. At least for the DPS spec - I haven’t seen too much of the healing yet, to be honest.

Would it not be better to play as a Dracthyr Mage? Priest? Shaman? With the ability to stay in visage form the entire time?

If people choose to take my questioning as an attack rather as an inquiry, that reflects on them, not me. :slight_smile:

Are you saying there’s a way to use horns, scales, etc for Blood Elf customization? This isn’t like Worgen who’s second form is just Human, Dracthyr Visage form has a LOT of unique customization not available to the race it is based on.

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I breath fire for breakfast

I don’t really see what you’re claiming.

Deep Breath - has a 2 min CD baseline. Not frequent enough to make the swapping so drastic.

Disintegrate - it’s just a blue beam lol. Could come out of their hands. Mages literally have a beam spell in frost. Drain life, soul on locks. Seems ez enough. The human and BE models already have those casting animations as they can be locks and mages lol.

Fire Breath (frontal cone) - 30 second CD. No different than a demon hunter eye-beam’ing into demon form all the time.

Living Flame - A spell that is literally casted with their hands in the dragon form. Not even “dragony” coming out of their mouth. Just a dragon casting with his hands

Pyre - Just a lob of fire. Could come out of hands pretty easily

Firestorm - A spell that is literally casted with their hands in the dragon form. Not even “dragony” breathing out of its mouth.

Could go on
 but yeah, I don’t see what you’re talking about. Any “charged up” attack could just take you into dragon form when you start charging it - again, like a DH. Most of the spells don’t even seem that “dragony”, except the couple of dragon breath attacks? Hell, their utility spells seem more “dragon-like” than their actual spell abilities now that I’ve looked at them.

There’s nothing I see that makes it look like they’d be swapping in and out so drastically. Looks like 2 of their spells are casted as if they were humanoids anyway, waving their hands around lol.

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If someone wants to play that way then so what? We just want it as an OPTION, not as a a permanent change to how everyone plays the race.

It is absolutely a distraction and an eyesore to everyone else. If this was a single-player game? Have at it! But it isn’t.

Funny - no one complains about demon hunters going in and out of demon form pretty frequently being a “distraction”. There’s a talent that puts them in meta form every single time they eye beam lmao.

Or are you distracted by that too?

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You could repurpose any class to make sense for any race, if you really wanted to. We could retheme all the Paladin stuff as Elemental and give it to Orcs. We could have Lightforged Warlocks summoning Holy constructs. We could have Mechagnomes building minimechs to serve as Druid forms. But you’re completely betraying the core concept of each of these classes in doing so.

The same would be true for divesting the Evoker of anything inherently draconic. It is possible? Of course. But you’re kind of missing the point if you do so, and there are probably better options to achieve the same goal.

 how? There are enough other things going on that I barely notice other players individual spell effects at all during a fight, let alone someone like a DH or Druid changing form.

Next question. Do you really thing Activision “You think you do but you don’t” Blizzard is going to go out of their way to make these things usable in the Visage form.

I’m being realistic. Having the option to do more in the visage would be cool, but i can’t see blizzard making their dragon class step on mage’s toes thematically more than it already does.

The chosen identity racial is a very good addition, and it’s probably all we’re getting.

You’re comparing 2 different things. No one in here is asking for Drakthyr to be warlocks, like you’re claiming about orcs being paladins. I get what the point you’re trying to make, but you’re really, really reaching high there. No one is asking for spells to be changed or to look different.

3-4 of their spells are already castable in humanoid form. Multiple of their other spells could easily be casted in humanoid form and not break the theme. Like I said, TWO of their offensive spells are literally casted like humans while they’re in dragon form lol. Would you expect firestorm to come out of their mouths? Probably. But it doesn’t. They wave their hands around like a balance druid.

I don’t see why anyone would fight AGAINST a seemingly simple customization option. We know that once the class is released, there really isn’t any going back. You claim it’ll be distracting, and now it’s breaking fantasy
 The precedent already exists in demon hunters. I just don’t see the reason not to add such a simple option for a class and race that are both so limited already.

Sure, I see your point, but I’m trying to be reasonable too with my opinion. The precedent is already there with DH’s. Like I said, only a handful of their spells seem to be “breath from mouth” dragon-like abilities. I can’t believe a spell called firestorm from a dragon is casted by a dragon waving their hands around

I don’t know
 Again, just my opinion that the option existing would be nice. The race can only be one class. Open the table to more people’s preferences. Will we get this option? Probably not
 But I can still dream!

Glyph of Stars comes to mind. I am probably in the minority but I do Not like Boomkin form.

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Love the idea of just going drak for drak abilities and transforming back in combat.

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Yes please. I use deviate fish or noggenfoggers currently XD

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