Blizz, allow shamans to use or transmog one-handed swords.
My fantasy is to make an elemental warrior. Using only maces, axes, or claws is boring.
I think it would be a waste of energy to ask for humans and blood elves to be able to be shamans, but at least let the current classes be able to have one-handed sword transmogs.
My idea has always been to make a warrior who uses the electrical elements to his advantage.
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I see you still want to be a paladin.
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never ! A shaman ! (i tried warrior but meh…)
Well,that could change in the next expansion .
You realize the hero talents for warrior covers this right
Just play warrior in The War Within
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Will the warrior have attacks focused on electricity?
The idea of being a shaman is precisely to have the electric effects and skills o.o.
(i will post this here because gpt4 is amazing …but this image is really funny to me)
GPT keeps putting paladin helmets in all created images…he puts it everywhere …
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Well i think the graphics look cool , but it would require a new ability cause chain lightning emanates from the hands and the lightning hammer attack, i cant remember the name of at the moment ,was nerfed in favor of lava lash ( I think its called) Perhaps the weapons themselves could be empowered , sort of like Legion weapons?
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yeah, they could detach that power from the weapon.