Still hasn’t been fixed for me. Finished the questline and unlocked void elves but… no void elves on the character creation menu! A little annoying but hopefully they will respond soon and it’ll be fixed
I got the same issue this morning. Completed Vulpera achievement and the last quest after that (which gives you the vulpera mount) but there is no option to create any Allied Race in the character creation page. I have a ticket open.
I am having the same issue as well. Had the Nightborne unlocked but I can’t create one.
My partner is also having this issue. He completed the questlines for Void Elves and Lightforged and did the quest to unlock them, got the achievement and everything - and no allied races showing up on his character creation.
About 8 hours later I still have not found a solution. Considering that quite a few other people share this issue I’m thinking there isn’t much I can do on my side, but I’m going to try to open a ticket and go from there. Re-installing the game has not changed anything. I’m going to try getting my buddy online, who has a similar play history to me, and see if he gets the same issue.
i am also having this issue i unlocked vulpera but they will now show up in my create a character.
I got a reply to my ticket. They said they refreshed some server stuff and told me to reset the UI and reset my password. It didn’t work for me, but maybe I figured I’d put that here in case anybody wants to try that themselves.
I am having the same error. I have all expansions and game is fully up-to-date. I had unlocked the Nightborne before before Shadowlands and have successfully created a Nighborne character before (which is still there), however since the new patch I do not see any Allied Race options in the character creation window.
Since installing the patch I have unlocked the Lightforge and Void Elves, confirmed the achievement, etc. but they do not show up either
Same issue here, I got the achievement that unlocks the Vulpera race and it’s not an available option in the character creation screen.
Yeah same issue, they don’t even show up on the creation screen. Ive made a troll a little while back and i dont even have the option for them either.
Same thing happens with me. I have void elves and lightforged draenai unlocked completely with the quests done and they don’t even appear as a selection in the character creation screen.
My girlfriend and I are having the same issue. Did you guys buy BFA or go straight from legion to shadowlands?
i started in mists of pandaria so bought dreanor that was ok bought legion after dreanor was over that actaully pretty good then i just got done with bfa and was waiting shadowlands i wake up log and boom i have no allied races i worked my hard on the rep before they annouced you dont need rep so now i can just grab vulpera when im ready
Happened to me too. Haven’t been able to see allied races in character creation since I had an update which reclaimed 3gb of stuff.
I can now see and create allied race characters. I’m not sure what happened, but I checked about an hour ago and they were there. It’s been about 24 hours since I noticed the issue initially so maybe it has something to do with that. So, you need to wait for your account to update maybe? Again, I’m just guessing. Doesn’t seem like something that should take 24 hours to update though, and I’m sure people are still having this issue long after that time.
Either way, thanks to everyone that gave suggestions and helped out. I hope everyone else can get their accounts resolved. I’d recommend putting in a ticket and have a GM look at your account after 24 hours.
Thanks again everyone!
my question is why is my hard earned work now suddenly just vanished please someone please tell why all my time into the allied race is now gone
Same issue here, but as you said, mine showed up the next day with no bug reported. It may just take a day or so.
Nice! Mine has not updated unfortunately, but I’m hoping it will soon.
My partner’s has not updated either, he checked this morning and so far nothing. Here’s to hoping it eventually shows up. (Also no answer to his ticket yet.)
Tried to reinstall the game, no changes. Hopefully my update will come soon