Allied Race model updates you'd like to see

I noticed the hairstyle not being an option either for night elves. : ( It’s so cute!

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Zandalari troll male - I currently swim entirely above the water. So I’d fix my buoyancy point, or however they define that function.

That’s actually kinda hilarious. I had no clue the Zandalari trolls had a problem like that lol

Void elf’s could use some more skin options imo

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The main one is the Dark Iron Dwarf males whose left eye is totally messed up:

Also, not a model update, but Lightforged Draenei need to be able to smelt old ores with their Forge of Light.

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I had no idea this was a thing! I’ll add this to the list

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I don’t even play or have any interest in playing a Nightborne, but I’d love for Blizzard to simply spend their time and resources giving fans and players of NB their NPC models we saw during Legion. I don’t even mind if that means they won’t get around to adjusting Zandalari’s swimming animation while above water for a while.

Yeah I’d like some NPC model options.

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  • Their heads are completely bald beneath hats and helms.
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i want the nightborne dudes to not look like… That. closer to the suramar NPCs instead of like the california raisins


Zandalari don’t have a “pretty” face option like the regular trolls do - all of their faces are nasty and warty and hook-nosed. I want a zandalari druid that doesn’t look awful when she isn’t shape-shifted, please!

I’d like to see NB get mana hair like the npcs have. Just an interesting glow/sheen. And, of course, to look less like nelfs and more like the NB npcs- those giant eyeballs bug me so much when the npcs have such cool almond eyes. Really I just miss their noble smugness. :confused:

I don’t even play nightborne but I’ve always found the fact they only have 3 skin tones pretty bad

Pretty much these for me. Also, the model fixes for Nightborne in general to make them look more like the NPCs.

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I’d like to see some more vibrant and wild hairstyles and colors for Zandalari

Nightborne is the one that saddens me the most as they were the ones I was most excited for. The male modeI I wanted to play as but they look absolutely nothing like their npc to me.

I saw that night elf hairstyle too and it got me excited, that one was put in the game back when wod was current, but was never made usable… along with hairstyles for many of the other races. Most weren’t too good looking except that night elf and a super super cute gnome one! Maybe someday we will see some more hairstyles. :blush:

The new allied races hair look very nice texturally! I want a braid for my human female.


Night elf males should get a complete rework, I seriously think they looked great before the rework, now they look weird, with that forward neck huge legs, small feet and extremely big hands.
Also, if humans could look, well, more human, that would be great too.

… and in case of an emergency, your Troll Alt can be used as a flotation device. That concludes the safety presentation. Thank you for flying Zandalar Air.

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Nightborne almost need a complete model revamp. I can’t believe how bad they look.

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Yes, please! I’d especially like a non-sheepy, non-cleft-lipped face like my old vanilla model, but hi-res.

Hey Blizz, maybe more people would play something other than elves and humans if you gave us some options. Just a wild idea :sleepy:

My last Tauren customization wish list:

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