Anyone know if allied races can earn heritage armor as DKs?
Everywhere I search seems to give contradictory information, so if anyone has like leveled one can confirm this, that’d be great
Anyone know if allied races can earn heritage armor as DKs?
Everywhere I search seems to give contradictory information, so if anyone has like leveled one can confirm this, that’d be great
yes why wouldnt u get it? you lvled without boosting
Wasn’t sure since they don’t start at 20 and other’s have said you dont
All new Death Knight characters will receive the iconic Acherus Deathcharger class mount after completing the introductory questline, with Allied Race Death Knights also receiving their racial mount (pandaren racial mounts will still need to be purchased from a vendor). Heritage Armor for Allied Races characters can be obtained by leveling to 110.
From Blizzard’s page.
Allied death knights can get heritage armor. There’s no worries there!
Thanks for all the help bucko’s, I appreciate you all
Dk in general can get the heritage armor, i used cybil after farming gilneas rep to do the quest for worgens