Alliance you are truly pathetic

Yeah. Alliance premades stomping horde pugs totally means you are skilled. Alliance pugs get owned by horde pugs.

In almost every premade vs premade game I’ve been in, alliance gives up because they know they have fast queues and can go back to stomping pugs.


They don’t even moderate their own forums anymore, let alone invest attention into the actual game.

It’s not that horde doesn’t want balance. It’d be in everyone’s best interest so we’d get faster queues, less premade enemies, and probably more fun AVs as well instead of boring auto wins 24 7. The issue is that it takes a while to level, and a stupidly long time to rank. Since Blizzard left in the honor decay; most will not rank a 2nd character. There’s no option to faction transfer either, or roll both sides on a PVP realm. Blizzard expects you to just dump all your work and start over from scratch to move to the realm/faction that needs you. No thanks. We’ll stay right where we’re at.

Don’t expect people to sacrifice themselves for the “greater good”, nor should they have to. There should be actual incentives for helping to balance the populations. When there isn’t any, no one is going to do it. They couldn’t even be bothered to make the realm queues favor the smaller side so that the larger one is the one locked out. They don’t do ANYTHING.

Because they dont care about pvp action just the pvp rewards.

You know that does not actually work right?
The premades appear to largely outnumber the pug.

Dont think most people are going to sit and roll over for 20 games.

Trust me, i’ve been in games where someone suggested laying down and let it end.
That person got facemelted by the ingame chat.

Maybe in AV where you get ez mode Zug Zug SHGY = win

In an actual battleground (AB/WSG) this doesn’t happen…

I’m sorry that you don’t have anything in real life to brag about so you need to invent video game superiority based solely on which color you choose at the start

lol yes it does happen, my win rate against pugs in ab and wsg is over 90%

First of…litterally none of this happened.

Secondly, and more importantly…you are that special kind of player who required to pick the race with the stun resist passive racial because you lack the awareness of when to push the button and use it.


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So is mine… In fact mine is 95% so if we do the math, alliance is winning 55 - 45 against pugs…

Therefore our completely anecdotal and totally factual examples indicate that alliance pugs are superior.

GG you little Zug Zug, you lose

Seriously these arguments, are you an adult?

And any particular reason you didn’t post them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

come to my discord I post them right after the game

Why not use just Imgur? Anybody can post there for free and without an account.

Before you say it, you can put your links in tilde keys like this.

cuz its just an extra thing I have to do that I don’t want to, like forming a premade

Of course…

So instead, you want to do this extra 2 - 3 steps of downloading a program, setting up an account, wait for that person that you asked for them to download, install, and DM you, just so you can spend the 5 minutes or so each time to find that pic you to show it just that one person who wanted to know?

Wouldn’t it just save you all that time to just upload it to imgur? It’s really not that hard. You just drag and drop the image in imgur in your web browser, and all you have to do is name it and such.

To prove you how easy it was, i just uploaded a pic of argus in the sky that i took back at 2017. :point_down:

What you meant to say is that most alliance are quitters, but that goes both ways. Classic is fun, but it’s got some serious problems that stem from the community and their perception of things.

atleast I have the satisfaction of knowing that I earned my gear and it didn’t just fall into my lap courtesy of instant queues and pug stomping/premade dodging. that is all abundantly clear when we meet high ranking alliance in the field and wipe them because yall don’t know how to play and rely on healers way too much. ive wrecked premades without healers. that says it all

so is everyone elses.
your queue rate on the other hand, is not

Your amazing bro

They depend on healers and freedom just like horde depend on ignoring alliance CC and 1 shotting key targets with broken elemental shaman CL ES combo.