Alliance will not stop ganking horde in netherstorm

idk what to do guys i cant quest its like a warzone in there

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All must pay the Tithe; whether in gold or in blood.


yea theres like rivals and stuff there


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grobb alliance is kinda toxic, ngl

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Grobb Horde is kinda toxic, ngl.


plays human in fantasy game ew.

I did it for the meta

you are weak


I’m not sure about your personal experience, but Horde are just as much to blame as Alliance. For example;

Minding my own business, completely ignored Muatahun from Ironwolf Gaming, when their guild mate Drunkfish jumped and killed my Warrior. Logged on my Paladin and proceeded to woop Drunkfish when Mutahun and some random Rogue joined in. Making this a good ol’ 1v3 that they very embarrassingly lost.

I expected some rage on their end. It’s to be expected when you lose a 1v3 like that. I think we spent about 10 or 15 minutes flying in a circle together as we shared a few emotes, BURS, and KEKS.

That is until I baited Drunkfish and Muatahun from Ironwolf Gaming by landing so they thought they’d have a fair 1v2. They didn’t expect my DK friend to join in. Of course they lost this 2v2 and went on to being camped for the next 5 minutes.

Oh but it gets better…

My dearest friend Drunkfish finally revived at their body and gave us a good ol’ /kiss and bubble hearth. However, I guess they had to search for their hearthstone because they failed that too and ended up dead again.

I found Drunkfish at the graveyard with rez sickness and watched them logged. We never really knew what happened to Muatahun after they died a few more times.

Horde started it.
PvP happened

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I mean, just yesterday I got ganked by two Horde Arcane Mages after they’d just watched me pull a group of 6 mobs in order to get at an Adamantite Chest. If they had just wanted the chest for themselves I would have understood, but they left it there after killing me and I got it on the run back.

So yes, when I came back, I ganked the one that was still in the area, seeing how the second hearthed out and left the first behind.

Horde does indeed start it just as much as Alliance does.

When leveling I was ganked all the time. No biggie.

Don’t like it then don’t quest where I’m tryin to farm. No mercy for the Horde

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Never forget phase 2

I dunno where you were in phase 2, but me and my hunter buddy were rolling horde left and right, phase 2 was great.

As an Undead Rogue, Phase 2 Grobb was glorious. Especially since I got my Perdition’s Blade the week before it started.

I was on neverwind but its really just kinda a meme now. You are supposed to hate the opposite faction. I do miss netherwind horde though. Grobb has gotten better but i still win too much over there considering how bad i am at this game.