Alliance war effort box is awful

and that’s a good thing

Yes, it was, and i’ve clearly explained why.


And I clearly explained why you were wrong, and why it was not.

But you have a victim complex, so here we are

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What a moronic response…

We ask for reasonable que times… y’all want that silver platter and then some. Y’all aren’t even making an attempt to be reasonable…


Why not? In the time it takes to get one BoJ from pvp, I could get 4-6 from a heroic.

No, you haven’t. You’ve explained nothing. You just make a contradictory statement without refuting my points.

Here’s what you do:

No i don’t.

Taking away a negative from being horde, isn’t attacking alliance.


How about trying to resolve the issue of faction balance instead of slapping on a bandaid?
Oh sorry forgot critical thinking isn’t big amongst the horde :clown_face:


Let be clear if the Alliance spent as much time PvPing on the forums as they did in BG’s we wouldn’t need any of this.


It’s “queue”, please spell the word correctly before insulting my intelligence.

You asked for the game to undergo a change that was not even implemented in the original TBC.

The original TBC dev team would have told you to deal with it. Not this same faction stuff.

If you can’t wait an hour and thirty for a queue, go play alliance or wait.


Because that’s a PVE reward; would basically harm heroic dungeon groups.

I mean I can understand if the boxes give an extra mark (~78 honor)

I’m not against addressing the problem. I’m against the way they went about it. Unbelievable nuance right.

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At least a 20% chance of a pre raid bis item every 5 boxes and if an Alliance can win 15 pug BGs in one day they instantly get a Blinkstrike. If you win 20, a toy where you can instantly punt your gnomish teammate into the enemies WSG base or to a node in Arathi. Imagine a flock of gnomes being punted off of Lumber Mill onto BS flag.

like i wasn’t expecting flasks or the shadow/spell/moon cloth, but seriously how is this supposed to be an incentive to get a PvE minded player on alliance side to actually queue up for BGs?

in the time it takes me to do a BG i could make over 5g just from the silver that mobs drop, as well as some vendor goods to sell for more gold, throw in a couple motes or ore/skins/herbs found along the way and i could make quadruple that, and i’m not even an efficient farmer.

i believe if they wanted to make it a proper incentive it should at least be 8 raw gold, plus whatever consumable and mats it gave out. make it at least somewhat similar to what id get from running a dungeon (especially considering you have to win the BG and not just play one)


Ok, finally someone that can take this seriously, thank you!

I got

4x Mag’har Grainbread
3x Terocone

The equivalent of picking one herb in open world. If you play BG’s already then you get a little extra per win. If you don’t this will not incentivize you in the slightest to start. Totally not worth it and borderline an insult at this point especially the requirement to actually win the BG.


Dude 3 terocone is like 15g

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No, no and no. Because you don’t mean anything to me. A change was made for the betterment of the community. If you can’t take that, uninstall, cry and move on. You got a bunch of extra stuff for us to have decent que times… time to get over yourself.

I absolutely think blizzard is lying about the 50/50 BG win rate. Did they factor in pre-mades?

I did a little experiment this past weekend and only solo queued Arathi Basin (I usually only do pre-mades).

Alliance won one game, and lost 32. That’s right thirty two losses in a row.

Until blizzard actually shows the “data” and all the factors they included or excluded to get this alleged “data” then none of us have any reason whatsoever to believe they are being truthful.


You’re telling me that the box didn’t come with a stack of spellcloth, 5 primal mights, 1k bonus honor and, 150 raw g??? I can farm that in 5 minutes in the open world, not even worth it to play this game anymore. Blizzard is so dethatched from reality and has never played this game. The audacity of all of this is uphauling. Refund me for my 10 year sub!!!11!!!

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