Alliance war effort box is awful

The incentive is the honor gear this is just a tiny bonus

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Lmao I called it. omfg yes

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You gotta keep in mind, alliance don’t pvp. But fast pvp queues are the only thing keeping the alliance faction together. Got it?

Im sad it doeant have Alterac Swiss :frowning:


Tiny bonus will not get it done, not sure if you understand what I just said.

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That’s it. I’m done with this game.

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So, what do you guys consider to be a fair bonus? You feel like you must be compensated for playing alliance, so what’s a fair BG bonus?

More gold/mats in the box?
25% bonus honor?

I understand youre upset about getting an extra box for doing bg’s

Really? This is what you’re complaining about? Getting gold, mats and other for doing a BG? Did you expect hundreds of gold per game? Several stacks of mats?

15 badges of justice and 20 primal air or bust

Horde in here commenting “better than nothing” seem to be missing the point of why this is being tested

The point is to incentivise Alliance to queue. How does this incentivise anyone? You literally get about 10 silver worth of rubbish in each box. May as well just remove it, pointless test.


Horde get nothing btw

You literally complained about your 1:30 queue time, which stemmed from a problem your faction created all the way back in classic lol.

You ganked alliance to extinction. Now no one wanted to queue, so you complained until blizzard ruined the spirit of the game until your faction was satisfied.


Sorry, were you not in favor of HvH BGs and removal of premades, both of which were entirely self serving and to the alliance’s detriment?


Turns out no incentive is going to make the pve faction queue up

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Technically, it is a bucket of warm spit.


Literally how is that horde favored? It’s costumer satisfaction favored

Premades being broken up, doesn’t help one faction over the other lol

Greetings fellow alliance player.

Have you participated in your mandatory pvp quota for the day to serve the Horde? If not, please queue and lose to satisfy the chosen faction.

Thank you.


Doing the lords work

Wait, I thought this all was to get faster queues for Horde. Did I miss the reason this is happening?