What differences between the two have you noticed?
In summary
The difference between them in my experience is
“See you.” vs “Cya”
What differences between the two have you noticed?
In summary
The difference between them in my experience is
“See you.” vs “Cya”
imagine only playing one faction.
The only difference is that Alliance players are much more casual than Horde players. Horde players are much more interested in higher skill endgame content than Alliance players are, as a whole.
differences? alliance are all about endgame, minmaxing, you-gotta-have-skill-or-your-trash gameplay.
horde is more chill and more about having fun and enjoying the game/story.
atleast, this is from my experience. i THINK it’s cause of the races. alliance have standard fantasy races, while horde have ones you usually don’t get to play as in an rpg.
As smart people have already commented, it’s the same players playing both factions.
For what it’s worth, I find there to be more friendly, consistently-playing people on horde side who enjoy and do well at playing epic BGs. That has been the primary difference I’ve noticed.
What? lol?
hey, it’s just from my experience. horde dungeon groups are more willing to wait for group members than alliance ones.
every alliance dungeon i’ve been in is ‘why isn’t the tank pulling? kick the healer they suck! your all idiots because your not running past the boss!’
The server you’re on and the content you do makes far more of an impact than the faction you play.
Horde casuals and Alliance casuals are more alike than Horde raiders and Horde casuals.
I noticed a trend of Alliance players always so quick to giving up or putting themselves down.
They need to learn this is not okay, if you aim for nothing you hit nothing.
Horde players are passive aggressive or forward aggressive.
And when they are forward, it’s REALLY bad.
I Main Horde, but play every race. I have noticed that Horde chat more in dungeons, and the conversations in Trade can be interesting, less trolling.
I have often seen the Alliance bad-talk horde in chat channels, whilst the Horde rarely mention the Alliance.
But sides have very nice players, both sides are helpful.
I say cya 1 0 c h a r a c t e r s
Its so hard to tell how anything might look based on just those random textures.
One’s red and the other’s blue? Beyond that I can’t tell any difference.
Oof, I don’t know about other servers, but Area 52 Horde definitely talks smack about not just the Alliance, but about the actual people playing them. I got to read a really disdainful conversation in trade chat the other day about Alliance players choosing to play Alliance races and why they’re [insert derogatory terms here].
Yeah, it’s going to be different everywhere.
When I played on Proudmoore back in the day, I was Alliance and had a Horde spy, and the Horde constantly whinged about the Alliance!
I’m on Oceanic now and see the opposite.