Alliance vs Horde Moonguard

That was (some) people’s stance on things some time ago; I think things have changed since then and I’ve never seen anyone be anything but happy to see folks popping over from MG-A or other servers these past few years. Current active communities only see folks starting proxies and starting new guilds as a boon, from what I’ve seen.

'course I’m not omniscient and we’re not a monolith so I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m sorry those folks were treated that way.


Dude, 50-70 people compared to hundreds/thousands is a pure example of dead.

Just because some people exist in the community doesn’t make it alive. Like hell, I play old OLD turn based strategy games, games where there’s maybe 30 people on at peak times, compared to their other installments that have thousands. Guess that means they aren’t dead because the few of us play it?

Like numbers are straight up showing everyone that the faction is dead, it is irrelevant if a small group of people is trying to keep it alive, no one is going to stop them from doing that, but it doesn’t change how you look at things.

Can a man go back to not playing this game now?


I find trade chat on MG-H is a bit quieter then alliance but that can been good in most aspects as when there is conversions it will be worth while and not interrupted by chat memes. On to roleplay we are as not dead as most people seem to think. We might not have a “set” city like stormwind for walk up but are much more spread out over two or three city/villages. Also have a good number of guilds that are busy plus a few that are rebuilding with people that want to see the horde grow to a fun faction that hopefully all get along with each other. I don’t know if this will help but I hope it does as it seems this topic derailed a little bit from the original question you had asked.


The problem is that you’re being willfully obtuse in the face of the example he gave in comparison to other servers. Silver Hand, Cenarion Circle? Good luck even FINDING an actual roleplay guild on those servers nowadays. Sure, MG-H isn’t a place where you can always find walk-ups at almost any time of the day, but to say it’s “dead” just shows you don’t have any actual experience in the scene. There are plenty of guilds working to bring life to the scene, and going “it’s dead” over and over again doesn’t help things. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. Want to make it seem less dead? Roll a toon, join a guild, and participate.


Meanwhile, tonight on the Horde…


Proving the point that the Horde largely relies on event turnout.


And this matters…why? Honestly, if all you’re going to do is sit on the forums on an alt and talk nonsense…yea. There’s plenty of Horde and plenty of RP, so go out and have some fun.


Why you acting like those hundred of people aren’t Alliance sitting half naked in Goldshire?


Must be a sad state of affairs indeed then… The cesspool of Goldshire alone is more active than the entirety of MG Horde.

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A literal Troll Account. Nice.

The fact remains the people who actually RP Horde Side MG are some of the greatest people I’ve RPed with. Period. If the crux of your argument is the amount, I’d far rather quality RP than sitting in Stormwind with my thumb up my butt. And even the Alliance RP is benefiting from it because they have some competetion. If you have to hide behind other people to validate your own RP is that really even RP might as well be a social group.


Listen my dude, you’ve no room to talk on that dead roleplay server.

Jokes and trolling aside, Goldshire has always been notorious and its no longer a secret. When roleplay and content communities collide, people will typically chase after the numbers. If you are looking for social linking and communities. You’ll have better chances at the more dense locations. While the less populated communities are often the more dedicated.

MG Horde is not as populated, this is true. But what they lack in numbers they make up for in quality and heavy events. If this isn’t your speed, then MG Horde may not be for you. If you are diligent and willing to join the guilds or keep up to date on events. You’ll have fun.


We can probably move on from this. This thread should not have been made a platform to boast of activity or ridicule the lack of it. It wasn’t even really about the roleplay here. At this point the argument is pretty much circling.


MG Horde: Please come play on the Horde you guys :hugs: Everything is great here. We really need more Alliance to roll Horde. Don’t you want to try something different? It’s so great here. This completely helps the whole server as a whole and not just us, really! Come join us, our Alliance friends!

Also MG Horde: Whatever we’re awesome anyway and we have the best roleplayers, unlike the Alliance spending all their time in Goldshire and Stormwind. We may not have the numbers, but we’re still far better. Also look at these screenshots of events with 20-30 people in them to show how numbers aren’t even an issue anyway despite admitting that it was.

…Yeah, keep lying to yourselves. Just don’t expect all of us to join in on it when someone wants honest answers on the activity levels. If everything was great, you wouldn’t be so threatened and dogpile people when they say anything that isn’t a glowing review of MG Horde.

So, touch on the doll where the Horde Rpers hurt you… Oh wait, they didn’t. Considering you’re posting from a Classic toon, makes me wonder which buttmad individual you really are…

I suppose Ill give my two cents. By no means is MG Horde a massive wave of people like Alliance. No one should lie about that. But I do think theres plenty of activity. Its a neat community where everyone knows your name and the interactions mean something. Ive tried Alliance and I cant enjoy it because anytime I make a connection with someone ICly they disappear into the crowd never to be seen again. Ive literally interacted with dozens of people trying to get my character off the ground and they are one off interactions. Is that every Alliance player? No of course not. But trying to keep a pool of friends is difficult, at least in my experience.

The best way I can describe it is this: Alliance is a bustling city where you can make small talk and feel like in the big city while Horde is a Small Town American feel where you impact the community with almost everything you do. Unless you are the corporate big wigs of a city (Alliance example) then the community is relatively the same. Horde on the other hand is more malleable.

So to the OP. It really depends on what you want. We would welcome you with Open arms if you decide to try MG H. But dont let someone tell you its dead. My guild receives new members each week and is steadily growing, and I believe its safe to say that applies to many of the Horde guilds as well.

(Sorry for the long post, I thought Id add on to the positive reviews of the server. :P)


Fairly dead, aside from campaigns or internal guild storylines.

(Small part of why I quit. I like occasionally saying hello on here, though.)

But if one is interested and capable in changing that, then definitely go for it.

You are doing a remarkable job keeping it active. My horse toons still parked on ED, but the recent campaigns promoted by you guys is making me itch to transfer them to mg.

Thank you and please keep it up.


Horde isn’t dead, it is just different. I been on a dead server. I was on Twisting Nether before it was merged and after, finally moved in 2015 to MG. As other as have said, the RP is just more guild centric and not as “second life” as you find in say Stormwind and I am saying that as an alliance character that does cross faction RP for stories in support of other groups as well our guild’s own story.

It comes down to the effort you want to put in and the type of RP you want. If it is just “second life” RP, horde side, WRA is probably better. If you are in it for the RP and grand stories, I think the quality is better on MG.


I rolled a horde character just to see what it was like on MG.

I went to Orgrimmar, saw lots of small groups of players having conversation, a good size gathering on the front deck of and around the Wyvern’s Tail., and multiple individuals and groups walking around or just posted around.

I kinda started just walking with a group, and they actually started conversation with me!

They were called the War Wolves I believe.

We walked to some pit area, where they started dueling each other, I think IC it was a training or sparring session. It was cool.

As the the rest of us were up on the ledge, looking down into the pit where the duels were happening, one of the orcs started to ask me about my character, told me about TRP3, and invited me to join their warband.

I didn’t join though like I said I was just checking things out.

Overall my experience with MG Horde was awesome.

Well worth checking out in my opinion.


Hey guys I’m back from a break and just wanted to remind you that Horde is dead on MG.

Go WRA or go ally.

Everyone above me that says otherwise is delusional, have a good night <3

And to anyone who thinks I’m a troll account, you’re beyond delusional. More so than the 10 people on Horde. (I was too lazy to read all the replies from after my last post, but I am acute, not obtuse.)