Alliance stop queuing

blizzard not gonna listen. just hurt the horde by not queueing go wpvp instead.


Yes, please. We want same faction pvp.

What is the problem now?

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its funny that you think somehow alliance are gonna stop ranking cause of some stupid forum nonsense about this is op or whatever , i have some sad news for you.

btw i echo the sentiment styls posted.

let us have horde vs horde bgs. i would welcome not facing pallies and doubt the horde would suddenly become limp if they saw shaman on the opposite team and give up before we started.


Something, something premades. Like Alliance dont have access to premades. I’ve fought some super duper sweaty alliance premades. Even in 5 caps still fap’n, lip’n and such. lol

Feral spirit player lol

Feral spirit player lmfao

nope full ele storm earth and fire

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There’s one premade on wild growth and it’s run by a creep. So there’s no premades on wild growth ally.

That sucks. Cuz there are a bunch on CS.

Run by a creep? Whats the tea

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i mean its the carebear server so that doesnt surprise me.

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((The song started playing in your head. Didn’t it. :stuck_out_tongue:))


Suck for you, you chose the pve server and are now at a disadvantage in pvp. Who would have thought?

tbh I love world pvp. All I would DO is world pvp for honor. But it’s not until TBC that honor points act like a currency. During vanilla/SoD you have to get like 350-500k a week and that’s not–

Wait. Well, there is BRM event, but still. That’s every 2 hours.

Well you got me curious how much I could farm going between killing AFKs at flight paths / areas and BRM, but the last thing I wanna do is go invest time grinding in the world to test that it’s not enough honor. As it stands I’m barely fitting battlegrounds into my daily schedule just to get the bare minimum honor for some sense of progress each week. :expressionless:

I really dislike how if you need say 50 games to rank up on Tuesday but only play 49 then it all means absolutely nothing. Same if you wanna start grinding on a Monday, what’s the point?! Much preferred when they updated that system to become a currency irrespective of the time of week or how much you played.

Weren’t you Afking in AB less than a month ago to get honor faster? Wait, you actually play the game now?

The horde already live inside BRM, if we don’t queue, it’s just going to be the new horde capital.