Alliance-side AQ40 pugs?

Are their any guilds out there that consistently run AQ40 PuGs that are NOT gdkp?

Trying to find a group that runs AQ40 consistently and includes Visc into their runs.
I am willing to farm out over 1,200 Venom Sacs each week, and provide Frost Oils for all the dps if any PuGs/Guilds out there are willing to include Visc into their kill if I provide the mats to kill him. Please let me know.

I’ve been running with Karma the last several weeks because my guild went gdkp for aq40. It’s 2 SR with at least 2 world buffs. We clear everything and the clear times are pretty good. Would be nice to have another pally buff. The runs are sunday night

‘ey man, you Prot, Ret, or Holy?