Alliance should stop queueing AV

With the current Horde meta of just stalling the game to a grind due to there queue times and trying non stop for back caps I think this would be the easiest way to change the horde meta by not allowing them to go into AV at all. Alliance could also perform this corny strat also but choose not to due to our queue times. So queue up for some other BGs and let AV die down till the horde meta changes from this stale playstyle.

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Crazy thought I know, but do you know some people actually do pvp for fun and aren’t mindless honor per hour slaves?


Well the horde meta will push alliance players off of AV allowing for 0 bonus honor and you’ll be back on the forums crying even harder. The play style is corny as hell and horde would be here crying guaranteed if we had some way to crap on your honor. I think its in the alliance best interest to stop queueing AV till this meta dies.

The playstyle is to engage in PvP. Why are you queueing for BGs if you don’t want to engage in PvP?

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So bad at AV.

ITs JuST tHe cAVe!

Cave positioning was a huge factor in classic, but the current AV meta is garbage and leaves no reason for an alliance player to queue it up with only 1 piece to go on my pvp set I cannot wait to be done and send the horde queues that much higher. The horde meta is corny and if the roles where reversed their would be tons of horde tears.

I give horde maybe 2-3 more weeks before you see Alliance completing full sets then full desperation mode and I cannot wait.

Alliance have lost in any clash meta, since day 1, without your pre-made advantage.

By all means, don’t queue for AV. You just carry on the tradition of losing that has been the Alliance way since you lost pre-made and pally pull.

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Nope, we already moved to acceptance. Season 1 is a wash.

The major reason alliance lose is because we have a huge afk problem due to our queue times don’t act so superior. The Premade meta shows that 40 alliance players actually trying beat horde 99% of the time.

Sure bud. That’s exactly what it means.

Hmmm… this thread reminds me of something that may or may not have happened in the past.

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Back capping?!? Oh my god. It sounds like the horde are trying to win! Blizzard?

I’m not a fan of turtle strats and CERTAINLY not of all this whining spam on the forums lately, but it seems needlessly malicious to try and prevent them from playing at all just to prove a point. If you dislike the way they play the battleground, then you should try to punish that strategy with a counter strategy. But making a conscious decision to make the game less enjoyable for them is not only childish, but it also only exacerbates the problem.

If they play like this because of their queue times, then the solution is definitely not to pour a 55-gallon drum of extra queue time onto them.

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Go back to retail no dks in classic see ya…

That’s your response to someone saying they want to actually PvP in the BG?

Bite off my nose to spite my face?

An interesting thought, but I think I will pass.

Forgive him, he’s on tilt.

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