So, I was thinking about ally shamans and the fact that we don’t really have a ‘ghost wolf’ form that is alliance specific. With shaman originally being horde only, the wolf made sense and as time went on, Blizzard even introducted a ghost raptor for those troll races. I’d like to suggest (and I’m sure this isn’t the first time) a ghost wolf specific to allies or at least a glyph that might allow a custom ally transformation.
The alliance has two major animals that appear on a majority of crests, cultural monuments and even as reoccurring mounts. The first is obviously the lion and while I think that’s cool, I’d like to give the ram more love. I think with Draenie (being goat aliens) and two of the other shaman races being dwarves (and each of them using a ram for their paladin specific mount), the ram would be inline with lore/culture for a transformation specific (or glyphed) for the alliance.
This ram could be a new model but if we just want something on the books until we get a custom model, the new rams in Dragonflight would suffice with a blue ghost esthetic or even a de-armored dwarf paladin class mount, shrunk down and made for our ghosty needs. Talens like “feral lunge” would still be in line with the ram as well, instead of lunging at the throat, we’d ram to head-butt our oppenent.
Ghost Ram! Lets go! Please?
As a draenei shaman I agree fully. I go with the vulpine as I think that’s more of a free aesthetic that can go with a race like ourselves. I think what would be cool too is perhaps those alien cat things that live on Argus to transform into since that’s actually a part of our history.
Shaman aren’t associated with wolves because of the Horde in general, we’re associated with them because the class took most of its early design direction specifically from the orc shaman and Far Seer units from WC3, and wolves are an orc thing.
That said, I’ve been arguing for, like, a decade now that every shaman race should have its own Ghost Wolf and Feral Spirit animals. Trolls got raptors along the way, but it’s ridiculous that these are still our only options when the art assets for these forms/pets are literally as easy as changing the hue and transparency values on existing animal models.
Tauren: Ghost Plainstrider or Kodo, Spirit Cougar or Thunderlizard
Draenei: Ghost Talbuk, Spirit Warp Stalkers (or something from Argus, IDK what’s there, I quit Legion after it butchered Enhance)
Dwarf: Ghost Ram, Spirit Bears
Pandaren: Ghost Crane, Spirit Tigers
Kul Tirans: Ghost Dog, Spirit Sharks
Goblins: Ghost Crab, Spirit Lawyers
Not rams but Gryphons thank you. Also update dwarf totems/
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It should be Gryphon’s realistically, During Cataclysm when Dwarves finally got access to Shamans through the Wildhammer Clan, they have zero attachment to Wolves, even Rams be a stretch as Bronzebeard have no connection to Shamanism.
Technically all Dwarf Shamans are Wildhammer Dwarves, so Gryphon’s make the most sense, Feral Spirits and “Ghost Wolf” should be Gryphon’s as that’s what they are connected too.
In Shadowlands my Soulshape was only Gryphon it’s a shame we couldn’t get a glyph to continue it.
But I’m all for Racial Forms, it’s weird Tauren and Draenei become Wolves, atleast Trolls got their Raptors.
I would love to be able to turn into a ghost talbuk since it’s still the mount I use the most (the ruinstriders from Legion look quite cool).
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It is “funny” how a single expac throw away Ability like Soul Shape got more attention/forms than Ghost Wolf has gotten in almost 2 decades.
Add at least some of those soul shape skins to the barber shop for Shaman like druids have for their forms please.
They won’t give us gryphon form, because then we’d start asking why it’s not a flight form.
I just want Gryphon spirit wolves. The form can be whatever. But let me call gyrphon spirits to beat the tar out of my enemies
Kind of ironic that the Alliance doesn’t have its own Ghost Wolf form, considering Lo’Gosh.
While more customization is always a good thing the wolves are quite connected to base shaman lore, not just orcs. The reason they have wolf iconography is due to shamanism.
When you summon ghost wolves as enhance you are asking the Spirit of the Wilds(the sole elemental spirit of the Spirit element the existence of which makes shamanism possible) for assistance and it comes in the form of wolves similar to how getting assistance from the air elements summons lightning. As far as ghost wolf form, I’m not quite sure about the lore around the ability.
This isn’t your associated spirit animal or an animal from your culture but as Blizzard has set the precedent of varied forms they should take the time to add more even if just a couple every few years. It’s not like they don’t have a myriad of animal models that can easily be modified to be a ghost “wolf.” They proved as much with soulshape in SL.
I think the gryphon would be appropriate for Alliance.
That being said, I also think that they should just allow the Night Fae Soulshape be a Ghost Wolf glyph and really open it up for everyone.
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Nah, these boys:
I would also accept ghost pugs