Alliance Sea Turtle and Riding Turtle mount

Alliance come get your sea Turtle and Riding Turtle mounts, just check the LFG for garrison fishing lvl 3 shack, we get about 10 sea turtles and 4 riding turtles per 2 hours in a group of 20, more people = faster you get the mounts, idk they increased drop rate but seems so. i unless it just that we get so many lunarfall carp that the spawns are insane fast thus faster mounts

I already have mine. Got them the long way! :upside_down_face:

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over 8k attempts since WoD no riding turtle guess ima hav eto buy the card from ebay

I got mine in Cata fishing a pond in Twilight highlands. That was the riding turtle! I freaked when I got it. Now my 4lvl bank toon rides it from the bank to ah and back! :rofl:

there are two turtle mounts from fishing now?!

You can get the Sea Turtle and the Riding Turtle from a lvl 3 fishing Shack in your Garrison. Here is a Wowhead link that explains the whole process.

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Ty I had no idea that skin was obtainable beyond the BMAH at this point.

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I was in a fishing group when I got mine and I made the joke " This turtle will not make it to the water"


And I thought I was never going to that fishing shack. Now you tell me I can get the riding turtle from it? Don’t know if I can link clips from The Godfather here these days, so I’ll just say …

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

damn I try to find groups like this for wod fishing on alliance and there’s not a single one these days…

I even leveled it to 3 last expansion because I was too busy leveling characters back in wod.

I made my own group for it just using group finder. We only ever had 4 or 5 people at once, but it was plenty to keep the murlocs coming in. We got several turtles that day, including mine

Wait. You’re telling me that my stupid riding turtle that’s just a novelty (dumb thing goes walking speed) from when I collected the cards for their artwork can now be fished up in the game? And that I could spend days, weeks, months, whatever trying for that dumb sea turtle and wind up with another riding turtle?

really? I will have to give it a shot then hopefully I get the mounts I’m missing from there.

You realize the Riding Turtle literally doubles your swim speed, right?

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I’m a druid…

Mounts are account wide…

Seahorses exist.

Maybe Druids should get Glyph of the Sea Turtle for their aquatic form, lol.

Seahorses are strictly inferior to the Riding Turtle, unless you mean the one in Vashjir.

The way you’re making silly arguments makes me think you just didn’t know and are trying to play it off. It’s no more a “novelty” than any other aquatic mount, and that is a short list to begin with.

That would be nice. Kind of suprised there isn’t a glyph, but they gave us orca and dolphin so I can’t complain on that front.

I do.

The point of my comment was that I could get it twice, after getting it years ago in cards. Since you conveniently ignored that part to nitpick my opinion on that mount’s uses, of course it seems silly.