What server is all the BLACKWATER Raiders going too. we should just make a GUILD called Blackwater Raiders (BWR) since they forgot about us what do peeps think?
Lolu from BWR <3
no farstriders? it was a new server in 05/06???
agree with you lol
what is up Blizzard I know for a fact Blackwater Raiders
was a RP realm in 2005 why are you forgetting about us BWR’S players?
Black water raider here. Name was Physcobird. hit me up if u remember me. Chubbs if ur reading this reply
Here! Here! That sounds like a great plan!
Same Fathomnight from Divas as well?
Since everyone is introducing their BWR counterpart I guess I should jump in again. I’m Same crazy Hunter from said relm, along with Ryio, Akashia, Roa and many many more! brings in the beer keg for all of my BWR PEEPS
im on the RP bukaneers server I have the chater for the GUILD ready lol DM me
Another from blackwater raiders was in a guild that changed names a few times Circle of Cenarius>Edge of Twilight. Would like to see how some of those people a played with are specifically Raverium and Stamavesa.
BWR veteran reporting for duty! Played as Ancestor, Neverender, Blackhowl, Forgehowl on BWR since 2007! Currently in Deja Vu
on Bloodsail Buccaneers with a bunch of folks from Kingdom of Light
… come give us a shout!
I’m there as well, just hit me up. =D
Decursio here from BWR
I remember several: Vuitton, Shankman, Dbaggins, Bridgthemidge, Warmongrel
Just wanna say, miss you Emmanence and Loveth, lots of changes have happened…and I tank now! LOL Thanks for all the fun!!!
If you guys are around, moved to Stormrage, new guild we started called League of Justice send me a tell if you are!
Farstriders Realm isn’t in the list! Kinda bummed about that. We had a great Guild and some great friendships on that realm.
Where is Farstriders? It’s a RP realm. This is Aurapapilion!
Blackwater Raiders here too. Denkyra had many a great adventure in the day.
Where are my Stormpikes Crusaders at? I was Artemis the hunter.