Alliance Ret Paladin LF Casual GMT+8 Guild for Mythics/Raids

The current guild I am in will be disbanding shortly and I am looking to find a new home on any Oceanic server that will take me. I am a casual player and do have a job, so I am looking for a casual guild. Ideally in the GMT+8 time zone region. I am ilvl 407 and have mild experience in Mythics. I would like to continue doing mythics with a new guild as well as do raiding as well. I was considering moving back to Frostmourne, but any Oceanic server will be fine. I hope to hear from you soon.

hi mate, anarchy inc is on Dath’remar. We are a social guild that also raids. We generally achieve AOTC so N and H raids but no M raids. We also enjoy pet, mount and achievement hunting :slight_smile: Here is my battle net if you are interested Zwirbel#1679

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Hi Soradusk,

Mispeled is a GMT+8 guild on the Aman’thul/Dat’Remar/Khaz’goroth cluster. We are an AotC guild, so heroic raiding is our focus (we don’t do mythic raiding) but also have a number of people running M+ pretty much every night. Otherwise there are always others like me who are running around blindly levelling alts or chasing achievements.

Most of our members are from Perth/Singapore/Malaysia with a couple of insomniacs from Victoria and New Zealand.

If interested or want to ask some questions you contact me through battlenet Terwin#1978

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