Alliance race?

Got a baby lightforged spacegeet but willing to reroll. Probably healpunching.

Suggestions? Trying to get a few alts together for expansion though I’m pretty sure I know my main.

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Panda :panda_face: express


Either of the draeneis are a great aesthetic choice for hoof to the face.

Yeah that’s gotta hurt …

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Now that you mention it, hoof to face sounds rather painful…


They attack faster and can escape anything

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I like my night elf. We look good in most monk sets.

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That 2x food buff is nice qol to shift a few % of stats around or get 2x mainstat food :3

The Panda stun was pretty niche in Legion/BFA/DF but sometimes useful for pseudo-interrupting some uninterruptible casts/channeled abilities in m+ because some mobs wouldn’t recast those big bad abilities, though it’s another button/keybind. ( I am hearing that some mobs will just re-cast some of their abilities in TWW, so it might be even more niche now )

50% less fall damage was useful on monk but now that we have Lighter Than Air it’s not really as useful.

Pandaren need some updates but that food buff is really nice still imo.


Monk should have been like evoker, only one playable race, panda.
It fits best in all ways

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Female dwarf.

Apparently they are the lowest and rarest race/ class combo.

There’s tons of female dwarves, they just keep getting mistaken for dwarven men. :smiley:

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Look at me!

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I like dwarves but I actually ended up lightforged spacegeet.


Panda or Kul Tiran (the shaved panda).


Mechagnomes. We look cool and have good skills!!

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Pandaren is always the answer. All of their racial animations were designed with monks in mind.


worgen monk if you have the scarlet monastery tabard. SM gilneas neighborhood subjectively immersive or fun