I think ESO is still kicking because they didn’t believe they could fail and just kept adding new content. Also, they had the sense to put in One Tamriel and let people play wherever they wanted.
I was going to say “because you can be a cat” but your answer seems better.
I think being a cat would be more popular with the final fantasy people tbh. Not judging at all just observing
No, see, those players enjoy being a catgirl or catboy. ESO players like being a cat that wears clothes.
The difference is subtle, but crucial.
Ahhhhh ok I see your point.
Both parts of this sentence are correct and it irritates me more than it should.
Now that FFXIV allows players to be a beefy cat man or a cute buddy girl, there is no hope for ESO.
I guess there are Argonians that hold the crown for being a lizard.
I was likely in one of those counter defense raids, either on Versca when I still mained rogue or my priest
I remember another time a group of us going at it in Crossroads until someone dropped a pet saying hey it was fun but it’s bed time. So we all politely emoted each other and went home.
You don’t get that anymore, sure I remembered we might piss and moan as things got heated but at the end of the day it was like hey it was fun see you next time.
I posted this in a dif thread but all this nostalgia seems to be a good time for it too:
Those are the types of things that could never happen today because the community just isn’t there anymore. Prier made these cards because we all belonged to this really neat group of PvPers and there was a lot of mutual respect and friendly rivalries. I miss those days.
ESO is still kicking because the dev team took its attrocious launch in stride, acknowledged the problems and fixed them.
The mirror to ESOs now success is Wildstars complete failure.
Wildstar launched a game that catered to the extreme raidbros and no one else. When criticized they doubled down acting as though they could do no wrong. By the time they actually went to fix the ganes problems it was too little too late.
Ironically the people that founded Carbine I believe are old WoW devs, which explains a lot.
Thinking about it, the closest thing that still feels like a community in this stupid game is this stupid forum lmao
Blizzard doesnt care about its customers beyond getting them to open their wallets.
They dont care about curating a good community
They dont care about fostering a frendly environment
They don’t care about combating toxic attitudes
All they care about is parting you from your money.
I’m still bitter WildStar got axed because a sci-fi toony MMO like that is exactly what I need, but the developers being stubborn relics clinging desperately to the good ol’ ways screwed everyone over.
I think I’d be devastated if they merged all of the realm forums the way they did servers. It already feels like they’re trying to weed us out, by tricking GDers into our boards.
Never forgive, never forget
I’m a bit late to make the point but I feel like iterating; re blizzard and fans and feedback, good feedback has never been hard to find. There’s entire communities devoting themselves to the individual playstyles wow offers, their findings are frequently offered up and that’s just for the issues that aren’t common sense.
Blizzard actively rails against player feedback, ignoring entirely anything they weren’t already going to do (or have to snap decision based on immediate loss).
Maybe this is an offsided tangent, I dunno.
Wildstar was such a waste of an amazing IP. Ironically the one time NCsoft doesnt drive a game into the dirt, the dev team is so incompetent they destroy the game themselves
If I could make an equivalent to WildStar myself, I so would. But I have zero experience in game development.
I’m gonna be 80 and still muttering to myself about that one game that only existed for like four years before being scrubbed from the internet and nobody will know what the hell I’m talking about.