I mean, is it still a kingdom? Everything crumbled and the land is inhabited by the undead. Its more like a walking meat factory than it is equitable to a kingdom at this point.
I would also note that Humans are the leading faction of their alliances with other races. The bill stops at his (Human King/Anduin) desk, and he issues the order.
And yet the Horde been the one constantly losing to the Alliance and keep going after the L.
The Alliance was born in Lordearon, Turaylon, the defacto leader of the Alliance is from Lordearon. Heck, we even have Menthil’s crown in Stormwind and a good chunk of Stormwind citizens is from Lordearon.
Also, if you want to talk about Symbols from a dead regime just look at the Forsaken still using the Banshee’s crest or the Blood elves using their traitor king’s crest.
Anyone think it’s weird that the Horde literally live in the shadow of the Alliance and they had to give the Horde alliance things to make them relevant?
In fact, they had to put Blood Elves on the Horde to make people care about them and rig an entire video game to benefit the Horde.
Remember, when Blizzard had to nerf raids in BFA because Alliance were using Horde entrails to jump rope with and that was after Blizzard allowed Horde to gear up multiple alts over the Alliance?
Remember when Blizzard had to nerf AV 10000s of times just so Horde could finally win AV?
It’s OK.
I remember for you.
Remember when they had to make all of the Alliance heroes friends with the Horde because the Horde don’t even care about their own?