Alliance PSA - Don't contribute to Darkshore this weekend

You’ll be fine. You can’t even contribute until like Friday and you won’t get it up and running by Tuesday.

It doesn’t matter the bar will flip regardless after six days IIRC. If anything we want to flip it sooner so we can farm loot from the rares while horde are contributing.

We can’t contribute until Saturday morning, but why chance it?

Won’t hurt anything to hold off a day or so before contributing - in fact, it’ll be even better because the final contributions can be made after the weekly reset when Artifact Knowledge is bumped up again.

I don’t think a BG has gone up within 3 days of it being ready since DS first came out. You’re fine. Still, good luck coordinating. If the Broken Shore buildings are any indication - you can’t stop the masses because the masses don’t even come here.

Exactly the opposite of what we want to happen haha.

We aren’t coming up on a Horde contribution phase for Darkshore. We’re coming up on the phase where we contribute to open the Warfront scenario.

After contributions begin this Saturday morning, Darkshore will open 3-5 days later like it always does. If it flips in 3 days, then the flip will come right before Season 2 comes out and Darkshore rewards will be at Season 1 power levels.

My point is the flip is going to happen anyway, is it ill-timed… yes. But either way the horde will be in the attack phase most likely when season 2 opens. I doubt blizzard thought it through yet again… although it gives horde guilds an advantage which I don’t think is deliberate. There is literally nothing we as players can do to stop it.

One can hope.

if Blizzard understood how annoyed people will be if it opens up right before the reset they’d just tweak their own progress meter so it wouldn’t be a question.

But Blizzard is, as always, terrible at understanding that you only get to make a first impression once and so they’ll leave it up to chance whether Alliance starts Season 2 happy or annoyed.

Be sure to spread the word in all cities and zones.

Another Alliance crying thread.

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Participating does nothing except give you reputation for doing the turn ins dark sure will change no matter what you do. LOL you reminded me of when I was new to the game and we would have horde show up in Northshire Abbey and I would run into Stormwind asking for help in say because the hardware attacking us it was futile to do for that and it’s futile to ask people to not continue to darkshore cuz it doesn’t make any difference

Won’t alliance actually have the first crack a “free” heroic ilvl gear anyway with ivus?

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I didn’t even contribute in the first Arathi alliance circle, my gold and resources are too precious to waste.

But wait are the quest givers killable? Maybe the alliance needs to get on their horde alts and camp their own quest givers?

Because it’s not like Alliance haven’t been getting free gear each week since they revamped warmode right? Horde bias confirmed.

Realistically the change should be held out to the following week if not later, however when it comes down to it the gear is only the equivalent of normal Dazar’alor drops, with a guarantee of 1 or 2-3 on very lowered chances.


i would be so pissed if a horde made this kind of embarrassing topic. so glad i dont play alliance :smile:

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You are a most good gnome, especially, since you bring cookies.

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Things like this anger you? What a sad life. :cry:

Another bump to spread the word.

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Get more for doing less, who doesn’t love that?

Even with contributions I don’t think it is possible to fill the bar in 76 hours from Saturday to Tuesday morning.

That gave me a giggle. I will be nice and not contribute in return. :slight_smile:

Talk about weird timing. They should have made it so it could only come up once the new patch takes effect.