Alliance population is crashing

Using white-knight-esque hyperbole to counter his claim places your post even more squarely in ‘Sunday troll thread’ territory than his.


Alliance was dominant during vanilla and TBC. Factions were equal from wrath to MoP. Horde has been dominant since late MoP.

So not only are you wrong, you’re completely wrong.


Im really not, you just want to 1 up someone.

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That’s basically all I’m using it for is the broad trend. If the census site has the pop at 25/75, the real participation MAUs have to be pretty bad.

Let’s see

You would rather believe in an inaccurate website because “lul OP is right WoW is dying!!!1!” Vs someone like me who is telling you there’s more Alliance people in Boralus and stormwind combined vs all horde cities up to BfA’s hub on Moon Guard?



I have no choice really but to believe you, my real name is Clark so there is no way you can be lying :slight_smile:

Blizz does not allow counting anymore anyway from what I recall :slight_smile:


RP realms do not represent the rest.

It’s warmode based.

Shocker, alliance isn’t turning on as much as horde.

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Or as confirmation bias.


I’m not believing a site. I said it’s not accurate. I’m on an Alliance dominated server, but the site counts it as 0 because their polling method is flawed. But it’s good enough to see a trend that Alliance population is hurting compared to Horde.

And why would I believe your say so compared to even flawed data?


I highly doubt any of that data from that site is even remotely accurate.

However I do know myself and a ton of other people that faction changed to Horde during the 30% off sale in this expansion.

I almost left Alliance when Horde got my favorite Aliied Race of Nightborne. I really fell in love with Nightborne during the legion leveling process.

When they got Vulpera also? That was it I was done

This tool relies on players to manually input census


**How can  *YOU*  help?**  By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here! The more data we get, the more accurate and current this display becomes!

That’s your excuse? So RP players can’t be part of other content? :rofl:

We have raiding guilds, sorry they aren’t Sargeras/tichrondious standards but there’s plenty of people doing raiding

That goes the same with PvP, we do have a couple of gladiators in our realm and pvp

Oh IDK, maybe it’s because I play on Moon Guard and it’s active daily so I know what I’m talking about (not even including the infamous goldshire)

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Ooo gonna have to correct ya on the pvp aspect bud, alliance racials are actually way better then most horde racials for pvp.


Except there is no accurate data that we can see. Blizz won’t show numbers. And Warcraftrealms doesn’t have accurate data by a long shot. Do you really believe that only 143,437 people play this game? Really?

There is no proof anyone can give of anything. All we can do is speculate.

  1. You have to download the addon.
  2. You have to use the addon.
  3. Most people stop there and just observe their own server results in that one snap-shot (which is incredibly inaccurate data because it needs to be merged with more snap-shots from the server).
  4. Some (rare) people actually upload their results to the website and that is how we get the website data.

It’s not accurate by any stretch of the imagination. But I applaud them for trying.

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There’s definitely not accurate data. But even simple snapshots can draw conclusions.

The best data we had was realmpop which at the end already had alliance with around 20% less population before it got shut down. Coupled with the very observable experience in the game it is disingenuous to dismiss everything as speculation.


Your information on Moon Guard comes from warcraftrealms, and claims:
Total Characters: 3,911
Total Alliance: 1,244 - 32%
Total Horde: 2,667 - 68%

US REalmPoP on the other hand, claims:
Horde 1 307 (22%)
Alliance 4 649 (78%)
Overall 5 956

I’m not sure which is more accurate, but both sites say their data was last updated today. The bottom line is, Alliance does outnumber the Horde by a minimum ratio of 2 to 1. You can hardly say ‘they’ are “completely” wrong to claim the Horde is dominated on Moon Guard.

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