Alliance Participation is down

Here’s hoping it doesn’t go live like that then.

No. I very specifically don’t want to. And because this game is built upon the core fantasy of two opposing factions, I shouldn’t have to either.

Exactly what I said to people who said I should join the alliance because they have an unfair advantage. But I guess they’re just not logical enough to realize that and think It’s somehow a good excuse to keep an unfair advantage. :roll_eyes:

You’re going to have to go into detail about said “unfair advantage” since it’s the horde with the 70/30 advantage in a game where people can and do play both sides.

Basically, if the Alliance did have an advantage, we would have the 70 and we don’t. You do, because you’re projecting for some reason.

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People dont play Horde for advantage anymore.

Wanna see advantage?

Actually, they did. I was there, it happened.

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We’re talking about participation, you can potentially outperform as an Alliance race for a spec here or there but if there’s nobody there to take you, then you have no advantage.

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its basically a bandage. the channeled cast breaks on any damge(dots). def not more powerful than an instant full heal spell. srs?

have you even hopped on ptr? :smile:

I might have read your post if you weren’t just parroting other posters.

A bandage heals like 10% of your total hp over the cast time. You can’t even use Lay on hands in instanced pvp but a single second of this ability is 25% of your total hp restored and that’s A LOT.

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Just wait until it becomes the hordes gift of the naaru when it comes to live.

you would have to break away from combat and have no dots on you for this to be effective. that means in 3s for instance you would have to let your partners 2v3 while you disengage from the fight to channel this racial

the moment they introduced the break on damage component this racial became worthless :smile:

its something you can really only use when theres no enemies around. pve and pvp

Its a thing for sure, you do soft resets where you chain cc and hug pillar with your pals, perfect time to use it if the dots drop or you have a way to clear it. The way I see it now, is the opponent has to keep a cc breaker and a tracker on my racial now, even if I can sneak in a quick aoe stun and just 1-2 seconds is huge, me casting this is or for my team to reset and cast it is basically almost a full reset on the fight.

Here’s how i would respond as Alliance:

WOW a racial like Zandalari but cost no GCD when Zandalari heal cost like 3 GCD to perform? I could just use Gift Naaru and do 3 flash of Light and Woooo!! greater than first aid!

Can crit and scale with stats?! this is the most insane racial ever!

Ok? What’s your point?

That monkey will always complain about anything.


10 characters

My human nature tells me that I’d prefer to be a Light worshipping knight who fights for peace and justice, but my inner GAMER suggests that I should instead be a barbaric warrior who finds satisfaction through honor (but maybe with a hint of gray).

I like both factions’ fantasy for different reasons, but choose to main one because that’s where my friends and I began. When I was 8, I chose a Tauren because they were awesome. When I was 13, I chose a Blood Elf because they were realistic in nature, but still the Horde. When I was 17, I picked Worgen because I was the edgy teen who wanted to be some dank furry. Now, I’m 19 and just want to play a Zandalari Troll, hands down, no questions or comments, blah blah. I don’t even care about the racials.

See, in my short story about how old I was when I selected characters, I neglected to mention the fact that, no matter what I “chose” to play at the time, I have always (always) had a Troll toon just sitting there on the sidelines. Whether it be for RP or super serious content, I love Trolls. I remember when loving Trolls wasn’t that common, too. I mean, it was always relatively common but suddenly Trolls became like Elves to people (probably because you can be gritty but still attractive as a Troll. People like pretty things).

So yeah, I like to stick with Horde, but darn tootin’… if I could get as excited about, say, Draenei as I do Trolls, then I’d obviously be Alliance. Some days I wish I was Alliance… but, like I said, I’ll stick with the Horde.

Also, even in BfA alone I have tons of fond memories (and throughout the history of WoW) but something about the Zuldazar soundtrack has captivated me each time. Good on the artists who compose WoW’s music, lmao.

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we do have way better music

Want most discussion

I just faction changed my priest to Alliance, mostly to experience their side of the story. So there’s 1 more for your ranks :stuck_out_tongue: