Alliance Participation is down

That’s pretty much what I see in every Allied Race thus far, the Horde racials simply can’t compete with anything.

And that’s what the discussion is for, I explained my stance on it in the thread, it’s up to you to read and understand my point of view on it.

I understand why people see it as OP but given circumstances of Raid Mechanics and general PvP mechanics it’s certainly over valued. But you’re comparing a Class ability that’s an instant cast full heal (that’s pretty average as is), versus a channeled four second duration full heal that’s interrupted on damage and restricts movement.

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Its nowhere near LoH. LoH is an instant cast that can be used externally. The regen is a self cast channel that is easily interrupted. The only advantage the regen has is its CD. For team utility id 100% take LoH over this racial

You arent wrong. Blizzard has been atrocious with communication in PTRs. I want to believe this is different though, they specifically singled out this racial as something theyre watching

You can use the racial four times in the duration of LoH’s CD for the same amount of healing. If you even two seconds of casting at all during that six minute window, it will out-heal LoH. That’s crazy for a racial.

Again, you’ve misinterpreted potential with reality, if you can’t understand that there is no use arguing.

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It is not just Regeneratin’ that is OP. Many of the Loa racial choices are quite OP too. For some reason no one mentions that.


You’re defending an OP racial on the grounds that it will be interrupted EVERY time it’s used in PvP. You’re either trolling or ignorant. I’m done.


Because there is a massive, NUMBERS ARE NOT FINALIZED, when you look at them on the PTR. They look like they scale with gear, and they’re set to max gear currently, regardless of what’s being worn. (Likely a math issue similar to their Advanced Scaling Tech™ )

Cool. Though I do bring up some very valid points if you’re even interested in the mentioned thread.

I agree with this. I was glad to see switching between them is on a 25 day cooldown. otherwise it would be crazy.

…not to mention if it is usable while stealthed. That alone would seem to make it OP on rogues.

It was a stupid way for them to answer it, but the truth is how do you get people to change when they are tied in and identify more with the story of one faction over another? Or that all their friends are horde? Or that they want to play a toon that looks a certain way or has a certain cultural variable?

I think the ship sailed on a racial or two making a big difference a while ago. The competitive player pool on Horde is just larger, and it continues to get larger, simply because its larger. They would need to nerf horde racials and buff alliance for 2-3 tiers (before balancing out) to get enough people to switch, and its hard to imagine they would want to deal with the back lash from that.

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It breaks stealth, and funny enough it morphs druids out of form (even bear).

That makes it pretty bad, esp for druids…

It breaks with damage, interrupts, stuns and displacement abilities. A /glare may interrupt it as well. Its not the massive game changer people are pretending it is

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Hypothetical situation;

You’re a rogue, you vanish + cloak the dots off while at 10% hp and your opponent is at 50%. You hug a pillar, you only need 2 seconds of the cast to be on par or beyond with him. Tell me of another racial that can be used to this magnitude and be that big of a game changer.


I think we can all agree with you there, which is why you have to ask one simple question. Knowing those racials would never make it live, WTF did they even add it at such a clearly OP level?!? I mean the closest thing the Alliance has to that is 20% regened at nearly twice the cool down.

The point isn’t about population it is about what they are doing. The simple fact is the Horde basically dominate the upper tiers of raiding and PvP, so if a new player is interested in that content there is only really one option. The Alliance is so super casual that anyone that is serious about end game content isn’t Alliance.

The next line of that post

The problem is the figuring how to shift people over to alliance, which they still haven’t figured out how to do and quite frankly the only way I can see this occurring is removing the faction restrictions for playing with others, leave in questing and random bgs faction seperation (for world pvp and lore purposes), but let M+, rated pvp and raids be able to done together. However I don’t see blizz doing this.

Pretty simple… most of the human characters faces all look like they have corn cobs stuck up their rear southern regions.

Horde is more popular because of a phenomenon called path dependency. After the devs decided to give Horde better racials, the most elite competitors moved over to Horde. As the creme de la creme transfers, so do the top mythic guilds and raiders and pvp people, attempting to emulate the highest echelon. Through incremental change, the player population slowly begins this exodus, and as more people switch to Horde at the top, the bottom begins to follow since there is more people to run content with on the other side.

Faction imbalance isn’t because of some newfangled notion that Alliance is goody two-shoes. It stems from how devs have handled game balance and story, and how this has exacerbated faction imbalance over time.


There was a migration towards the horde sometime during cata, ally never recovered since then.

Even if they remove Regeneration from Zandalari that wont change the fact that Hordes are 70% more competitive than Alliance.

I think this is a key element. Remember, a ton of people have left and I’d bet a great many are Alliance. Alliance players tend to want more PVE, so any xpack that overly pushed PVP (for example) only appeals to one side.

Throw in all the drama at the beginning and I saw TONS of Alliance leaving. It really revolves around the writing and the direction of the game IMO.

That is because there is no incentive to do so at this point and I don’t blame the Horde for not doing it. If I was Horde, I wouldn’t transfer to the Alliance in it’s current state. The only advantage you have is that stupid WM bonus…

I agree they will never allow for cross faction raids, well not in the way you are thinking. I could see a rare encounter here or there where both sides might worth together but never actively in the same raid/group.