Alliance or horde for PVP?

WPvP and BGs…

Bonus if you can suggest a great sever for WPvP 8)

Horde, Alliance rarely wins BG’s.

Crusader Strike is the server to go if you want to be on a PvP server.

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How are those queue times on Horde vs Alliance?

Alliance is generally instant queue or upwards to 3 mins. Horde queues (depending on times) upwards of 7 mins for prime time.

As Alliance prepare to lose 90% of your AB games and 60% of your AV games. AV is only active when it’s AV weekend. AB is the only BG that is active when it’s not AV weekend.

So it must take forever to gear up via pvp as Alliance

No not really. AB/WSG 3 mark turn ins gives 7500 honor.

  • For WSG you get an extra mark for each flag cap up to 4 marks
  • For AB you get an extra mark for every 600 points your team gets. 0-590 1 mark, 600-1190 2 marks, 1200-1790 3 marks, 1800+ 4 marks.

It’s just really demoralizing losing all of the time, plus most of the horde you will see are usually premade groups with half R13 or R14 players with PvP gear equipped destroying you.

Horde generally makes premade groups while Alliance generally solo queues.


WPvP is a complete toss up on who has more in a spot at a given moment, BRM is about the only spot Horde seem to routinely control. Which is a shame because I’m sure most don’t like these fights on the road of Syphilis

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Blood moon is factionless and there are 2-5 teams playing on either side. That’s where the world PvP is. I only log on twice a day to play blood moon.

Must be crusader strike server. If you make a horde character I suggest you make an orc otherwise you’ll have deep regrets. Orc shaman would be the most OP choice you could make.

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I have a 40 UD rogue and lock on Crusader Strike and played quite a bit of bloodmoon. Until I took a break and played retail.

It was good fun for sure.

Orc would be great. But I live to eat corpses in PVP haha.

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But you cant commit time to raid once a week with a guild for loot XD

Oh lawd. Mr i support gdkp

Not playing the game and getting loot is the gdkp playstyle

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Ya I play for 30 minutes twice a day at 2pm and 5pm est. sometimes I can’t make it so I just miss it no big deal. I occasionally play on weekends but not consistently. Isn’t raiding like 2-3+ hours 1-2 nights a week? I’ve got a wife a baby that’s not going to work for me. Especially when new phases drop with new raids and you’re wiping while learning it. And you can’t take a break either you have to keep it up every week or get left behind. What are you talking dude… raiding with a guild is a massive life commitment it’s basically a lifestyle. My goal is to play for fun when I want to and have time to, not make it my whole life.

Absolutely I support gdkp, there is a large list of reasons why it’s the superior loot system. People against it just don’t like casual players to enjoy the game.


Silithus has lots of world PvP. People always farming the hives and running to and from AQ. Booty Bay usually has PvP. BRM as well.

SoD pvp isnt even worth playing even in the slightest, but if you absolutely most just roll alliance so you dont have to deal with cringeadins

Horde if you want to win

Alliance if you want fast q’s

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Sounds like retail would suit you more. Classic is about the social / guild environment. It’s about being out in the world. Not showing up to a raid, paying someone gold for an item and doing nothing for the actual game.

Seems like you’ve gotten all the gear you need and rank, all while on a super tight schedule. All without gdkp. What more do you need?