Alliance Onyxia attunement quest "The Great Masquerade" fails instantly when picking it up

Playing classic era - whitemane server. Trying to complete onyxia attunement and the quest “The Great Masquerade” fails instantly after picking it up. Looks like there are posts at least 18 days old reporting the same issue. Blizzard please for god’s sake pay some attention to this community.

Character: Grussy-Whitemane

Same here on Living Flame. No one on alliance can complete the quest and can’t raid with the guild doing Ony. Please fix!!

That’s … definitely not good. :rage: I’ve passed it along.

This event is very fragile with a lot of moving parts. We’ve been playing whack-a-mole with bugs on it. This is a new one. :confused:

Edit: I combined the topics on this to keep the information in one place.

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Now the bug is that when you pick Masquerade quest General Marcus phases, disappear instant failing the quest!!!


This quest either automatically fails or it does not share to the rest of the group. The share box shows and we hit accept but the quest is not in our log. *Should mention we converted to raid as well.

Best attempt (happened earlier) I had picked up the quest. It was in my log. I followed him as he went to meet General Marcus Jonathan, and after Johanthan spawned he disappeared. The squire was reset as well.

Its on every server, the great masquerade is broken and no alliance can finish ony.

Some of our people are attuned, but then we have another guy who’s been bugged for 3 weeks.

but as of reset, today, alliance turn in is 100% broken tried multiple layers, raids, parties, etc now going on around 11 turn ins no dice @kaivax PLEASE FIX THE ONY ESCORT TOP PRIORITY

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Figures thanks.

Same issue on Living Flame. Please fix, no one on alliance can complete the quest!!

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Was hoping to be near raiding with the guild this weekend, but it’s looking like this is here til Tuesday reset at the best…
I was really surprised there wasn’t more people posting about it. Thanks for adding guys.

Okay, this should be working now. Can you all try again when you get a chance, please?

Note: we had to respawn all of the impacted NPCs, so it may be a few minutes before Marcus Johnathan is back up, and when Marcus isn’t spawned in, the event will stall at the end of the bridge for 10 minutes and then Reginald will despawn.

It worked for us. at 4:08 pm East on my server. Sixgun-Wildgrowth. Thank you! :blue_heart:

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It’s still not working on LoneWolf Alliance… Tankler-LoneWolf

It’s still not working on LoneWolf server alliance. He’s just standing there not doing any dialog. Tankler-LoneWolf

This is a different issue, and one we’ve been working on for a bit. Well, really, it’s a bunch of different issues resulting in the same outcome, and it’s been part of the aforementioned whack-a-mole.

I assume he’s getting stuck on the bridge? If so, is General Marcus Jonathan present?

If Marcus isn’t present, Reginald will stall for 10 minutes and then despawn. Unfortunately, it’s possible to start the event while waiting for Marcus to respawn after the last one, and there isn’t really a clean way to prevent that. >_<

Thankyou Kethryllia,

I have managed to complete the quest on Whitemane - Era.

Appreciate the swift turn around

A post was merged into an existing topic: (BUG) The Great Masquerade