Alliance on server

How’s the Alliance population/community on this server? I don’t RP but I’m just bored of my server and was looking to transfer.

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What’s your RP backstory?

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Population is not what it is was right now horde out number alliance a little now.

Honestly, I have found that most Alliance on this server are weak and cowardly. Little honor.

Seems about balanced.

Emerald Dream has a strong, healthy population. We’re one of the few servers that hasn’t had to be connected to another. Feels good!

The Alliance-to-Horde ratio is the most even of all U.S. servers. I can’t share links, unfortunately, but Google “Emerald Dream realm pop” and gaze upon its glory.

I find the people to be fun and zany. It’s like having a bunch of weird siblings you bicker with all the time, but would do anything for. Hard to leave the realm once you set up roots here – the community is just too great. :slight_smile:


If you’re looking for pve for SL there are a bunch of great guilds Alliance side.

WPvP-PvP favors the Horde with a few Alliance crews that are active.


ummm this server is actually dead compared to MoP
alliance side is a ghost town and horde side well there is a few stragglers out and about.

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He says at the tail end of an expansion…


Actually you must not of been here around Mop. It was the realms peak times. Learn about the history of the server, you’ll learn something.

Achkually, thanks for the irrelevant history lesson.

Whatever help I can be to an uneducated GM.