Alliance on Frostmourne vs Horde on Barthilas

Is there anyone that has played on both servers/sides and noticed any significant difference in the amount of players/groups? Is it true that Frostmourne has a much higher, more active server?

Yeah have played both Alliance on Frostmourne and Horde on Frostmourne and Barthilas.

Frostmourne-Alliance does have a noticeable larger active player base/groups, but in my experience Horde-Barthilas is still big enough that I don’t think it hampers you in any way if you want to push keys or find groups/guilds.

Wouldn’t recommend Horde-Frostmourne, though.

I’ve done both as well, both are perfectly fine unless you want to push world first raiding. There are more oce pugs on frost but it’s not like barth doesn’t have enough.

Frostmourne might be one of the best alliance servers in the world and also gets a huge advantage because they get the warmode bonus whilst out numbering horde

Both servers are decent enough though

I also think dreadmauls population is fairly high now too

There’s no difference between Frostmourne and Dreadmaul. Connected servers.

-Dreadmauler in a Frostmourne guild

@OP; played both, as well as Frostmourne Horde. Barth is your best for a Horde server and Frostmourne is huge so much so it is basically a go-to for anything above casual OCE Alliance.

Since when has Frostmourne been connected? I’m on it and Barth,so its not connected unless in the last 24hrs.

Barth is not connected.

Frostmourne and Dreadmaul have been connected as of October last year.

Oh ok,thanks for answering,have a good one.