Alliance Normal Realms

with Kimby the druid, right?

Where is Echo Isles?? Echo was an original beta server

Is there a way to find out what realm I was on before transferring to Oceanic?
Im old now and cant remember much :wink:

@Kaivax I guess Fenris isn’t important enough to be listed, despite being out since vanilla? Would be nice to reconnect with people, but oh well…

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Dath’remar here too! I dont know if this character was vanilla, but another character I played was Crystalshard

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Need a “Multi-server” thread for those of us who played on several servers.

I noticed that too. Where is the forum for Echo Isles players?

I was on Mok Nathal also, started not long before BC dropped, maybe a month or two if I remember right

no Atiesh either

Its a stretch but looking for people from a small alliance guild on Echos Isles, Mercy Severity. Since there is no forum this is my best shot.

Shemp is the best third stooge!

I was there! Secret Shinra Priest chat was the best!

Nazgrel is not on here either…wondering if the missing servers are the ones that were combined? Maybe they will post the more comprehensive list later…

Where is Baelgun realm at?

Fenris was also well populated. Baelgun also. Neither one of them are listed. ): I was hoping to reconnect with my old buddies.

Guild: Weetbix Kids!
Name: Zelgadis - Night Elf Drood.

Hopefully they will add Dath’ to the list so we can find our old guildies!

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I started on Misha just before TBC came out. It was my original character, Caldor. I don’t see it listed either. The server was introduced on December 14th, 2006 to give players about a month’s headstart on rerolling before the [Burning Crusade]

Looking for LUNARU on Nordrassil server Alliance. This is dib an old warrior friend who played with you during Burning Crusade

Wyld got nabbed by Chris Hansen…

Miss the great times with Knights, Misfits, Black Flag and Six Minutes to Release!

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I started on this server as well, Bhoron Dwarf Warrior