[Alliance] [Myzrael]

A few friends and I are looking for a leveling/ raiding guild on the server Myzrael on the alliance side one classic launches we are all former vanilla players. Raiding time most likely after 7:30 Pacific on weekdays and weekend.


Not Myzrael but Sanctum is a PvE focused raiding guild on the Atiesh server. Our current membership is mixture of WoW veterans with over a decade of experience, private server game and guild masters, original vanilla players, recent raiders, and some novices. Our guild environment is friendly, fun, 18+, and respectful. We are a semi-casual/semi-hardcore blend looking to progress through end-game content in its current raid tier, but we will not be pushing for realm firsts.

Raid Times:
Saturday, 6-10pm PST
Sunday, 6-9pm PST

What We’re Looking For:
We’re looking for anyone regardless of experience level who is interested in learning their class and dedicating a few hours to raid content. We’re recruiting anybody, regardless of class, but do have an ideal raid composition in mind. However, that composition is very flexible based on individual performance. Even if you’re not too keen on raiding, you’re always welcome to join the team for the roster of people available for other content!

Raider Expectations:
We expect every raider to join the guild discord server. We’d prefer everyone be on time, repaired, and come prepared with the proper consumables and a solid raiding attitude. We will have a guild bank with available raiding supplies to those who truly need it, but Classic WoW is a team effort and you are expected to help out. Those that are willing to contribute above and beyond for their fellow raiders will be rewarded for it.

Loot Rules
We will be using an EPGP system for transparent and efficient loot handling. Legendaries will be awarded on a priority basis. The priority list will be decided by the officers in advance and posted publicly in the discord so there will be no surprises. For example, Thunderfury will be awarded to all tanks before others have the opportunity to receive it.

Guild Discord:
discord.gg/H2eVJwP (Please join this we are way more active there than here)

Feel free to reach out to the GM for any more info or questions!
BattleTag: Brugin#1105
Discord: Brug#1337

Hey Zypherr,

We have an alliance guild on Myzrael, looking for new members. If you want, hop in my discord and we can chat https://discord.gg/DrGHyhT

I’m also looking for pve casual guild on Myzrael.

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Sorry I missed your response here Vihunter, hop in the discord, we would love to have you!


This one looks like the place for me.

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Nm the request.