[Alliance] [Myzrael-PVE] <Egyptian Lotus> 18+, recruiting for semi-hardcore raiding/leveling, casuals also welcome if not interested in raiding

I’ll be creating a Hunter on the server, game name will be Condar. Interested in joining, I raided in classic through Wrath, but stopped there. Really looking forward to this tho and would like to apply as a raider.

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Sounds good and we do. Considering your knowledge I would love to have you as a Class Leader. I’ll send ya the info for discord in-game tomorrow.

Also @Spánkster / Condar we would love to have you. I’ll hit ya up tomorrow ingame once the server comes online.

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Sounds great! See ya there!

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I am interested in joining your guild, While I played in vanilla I only started raiding in WOTLK but am interested in going through the full vanilla raining content. I am planning on playing a human pally healer.

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We would love to have you. We definitely could use some healers and holy paladins are one of my favorites as that’s what I originally played in Vanilla WoW. What’s your character name going to be? I can hit ya up once the server comes up tomorrow.

My characters name will be “Sayomie”, I played a pally since vanilla and then holy since WOTLK when I started raiding and went healing full time.

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That’s great to hear. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of the slight difference in play style for a holy paladin between Vanilla and WOTLK in no time.

I am really interested in joining you guys on the raiding team. Been looking for a mature guild and this seems like it would be a great fit for me. I am 30 Years Old and love helping out where I can even if that means healing a lower level instance/quest as I will be playing a Dwarf Priest.

I get off of work at 7 PM MST and I am home by 7:30 PM MST on Mon - Thursdays with Saturdays off.

Usefirstaid is currently my character’s name on vanilla.

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Sounds great, I think you’d be a perfect fit. I’ll add ya to the list and shoot ya a message tomorrow when the server is up. For raiding are you interested in healing?

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Hey there, my in game name is Grizle, but my IRL name is Chris. Super friendly, easy going and extremely helpful, your guild sound perfect for my schedule now as a 30 year old husband and father… Im an old raider returning to classic, played at the tail end of Vanilla and raided hardcore in BC clearing everything except sunwell, then raiding hardcore in Lich King…I’m planning on playing as rogue and contributing top 5 raid DPS level numbers.


You sound like a great fit for our guild. I’ll send ya a message tomorrow when the server is up.

sounds great! And yes for raiding I am very interested in healing.

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I’d be interesting in making this my home for my resto Druid.

In game name is Feline :slight_smile:

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Hi! Original player that has been playing since Wow came out in 2004. Used to be a hardcore raider until 5 years ago when life and kids got in the way :wink: I have done all expansions and all raids up until then and I have been playing casually since to keep all my toons updated.

I have a mage, hunter, druid, priest, DK and shamman all leveled up on my main server. I will be leveling a Druid in Wow classic and I have always healed or DPS’ed but could tank as needed as well.

Looking forward to start Classic and raid again! Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

Edit: Would also be interested in an officer position. I will be online quite a lot and have previous experience as an officer. Would love to help with recruiting as well! In game name will be Storym.

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Saw your post after i posted looking for a guild
I plan to be hardcoreing classic and am looking for a guild to raid with
i plan to main a dwarf Priest Oomaste talior enchanter healz
alts druid- Freaknferal profs unknown rogue- Poofbyebye profs unknown

My wife who plans to be casual and may raid, but might not have time due to night classes and work is planning a hunter as main (alts i don’t know yet)

we also have a friend who may join along i don’t know his plan for a main and if he plans to raid as i know he has a child due in oct. but haveing a group of people to help us level and play with would be awesome

Edit: i should add my past experience… in classic i played and raided on a hunter and had finished leveling a priest when BC hit… after BC i mained a priest all the way to current when i stopped playing cause the content was lacking to keep me interested.

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Interested in Joining my name is Seetah I have been a raider since Wrath on a elemental shaman I have cleared all heroic content in wrath, cata, panda then took breaks from raiding. I am looking to get back into raiding in classic. Would be interested in mage or warlock. Maybe priest healing depending on what is needed most for raid. Seetah#1299 on bnet

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but do you give out tabards?

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We would definitely love to have you as an officer with that kind of experience. We need healers more than anything right now so that would be ideal. I’ll hit ya up in-game this evening once I make it past the queue.

@Bellanora We would definitely love to have all of ya. I’ll hit ya up once the servers come up this evening.

@Sèètah We would love to have you and we don’t have a lock yet so that would be ideal. We’re full up on Priest Heals.

@Scalebane: Nope

Hi, I can make the raid times and plan on playing a priest (holy) in classic. I have raided a decent amount before, albeit never in a guild.

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We would love to have you, whats your character name going to be?