[Alliance] Mage looking for a fun and casual guild with my main focus being making friends

Hi! I 've been playing WoW a loooong time. I raided in Vanilla Classic 2020-2021, including naxx (flashbacks ;-:wink:

Retail is a different feel to me. It’s a game where I want to chill, meet people, make friends, share xmogs, maybe a little rp, and maybe even silly little events (one time I played hide and seek in stormwind and it was super fun)

I’m MtF and any guild i’d join would need to be accepting of that. I’m also not comfortable playing exclusively with men simply because it makes me uncomfortable for my own personal reasons, and having some girlfriends to play with in addition would make me feel more at home.

in terms of challenging game content, I love Battlegrounds (frost go brr), and I love raiding, though I’m not fixated on mythic. Heroic is the highest I’d go, and only if I feel REALLY comfortable doing so with that specific raid group. LFR is also fine, as long as we have fun c:

When i’m not raiding I enjoy helping my friends with harder content, collecting xmogs (thigh-highs are a priority and I will hunt down every leg piece with that model).

If you think I’d be a good fit, I’d love to know <3

Also, my character name still says Aldynaa, but it was recently changed to “Lelira” after i changed from Nightborne to Void Elf.

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Hey there! I’ve recently transferred back into Proudmoore myself, and I’m relearning the game from a very… basic persepctive. I’m MtF myself, but jst wanted to send a shoto t, and that I hope yo find a place! I’m on the look for an accepting guild as well (transbian here) and if I find one, I’ll be sure to let yo know. :slight_smile:

Hi there!

Feel free to check out our posting for our guild, What Sword.

We pride ourselves on being extremely non-toxic and chill, and we have a good mix of people from all walks of life. We’re currently in desperate need of a mage! Add me on discord if you’d like to chat a bit more about our guild and what it looks like, I’m happy to answer any questions you may have :slight_smile:


Discord: Dracothea

Hello! I added you as a friend in-game, my characters name is Lelira. lemme know if you’d like to group up sometime! c:

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Aw heck I’m sorry, I must have never noticed this. If I declined, I’m sorry. :< Feel free to add me back! You can send me a mail in game too, or you can add me on discord: Ashlyn