I am a level 60 gnome mage.
I am currently looking for a new raid guild. I’ve progressed through MC and Ony with my current guild and have participating in clearing the raid since October. They used to do split runs, but are trimming down to one raid for BWL. Because of this, I’ve been put on the sidelines. I have pre-raid BiS plus Choker of the Firelord, Netherwind Crown, and Arcanist Leggings. I’m leaving my guild with the second most DKP among casters, so, it’s been a drought of gear for me for a while!
During orginal wow, I raided through all content, cleared AQ 40 up to C-Thun, and cleared Naxx up to Saph.
I’m looking for a guild that isn’t “hardcore” and raids from 7ish to 10ish a couple days a week. I may be willing to transfer servers if the opportunity is appealing enough. Message me here for more info.
Catalina WIne Mixer Alliance | NA | PvP | Tues/Thurs 7:30-11 EST | Semi-Hardcore | Raid Loot Style: Loot Council with prioritization on performance, participation/attendance, guild/raid assistance, and others. Consider loot to be the vehicle to drive our progression. Server: Heartseeker PvP EST —- Background: -— The foundation of this guild stems from a group of friends that met in retail all with Vanilla experience that plan on experiencing Classic together. We are not a guild, but a community of which we value friendships, positive attitudes, and integrity the most. —- Goals/Objectives/Member Expectations: -— 1) Clearing all raid content in a timely fashion. Come prepared with your role on all engagements and consumables. 2) World PvP often/ Organized skirmishes and tournaments 3) Community and Guild Events like “Where is x” 4) Treating others with respect, being punctual for raid times, abiding by Blizzard/Discord/etc. TOS, and overall being a valuable member to our community. 5) Many other activities/events and most importantly having fun! If the roster has a role that is either filled/not listed that you would like to play, please let me know! All players will be considered!! If this sounds like the place for you, please get ahold of me! Contact info below.
Just hit me up if interested 
Hello! Here is our guild info. Plz feel free to contact me if interested. GL!
[A] of Whitemaine Server is Recruiting
Looking for a highly-competent Alliance raiding guild on a more balanced PVP server? ThunderCats of Whitemaine server is recruiting for our West coast, raid night TBD. This semi-hardcore groups needs mele in particular and will consider dedicated raiders of all classes.
We’re a guild from Nostalrius server led by expert PVE and PVP leadership. Our most recent MC clear time was 44 mins. We’re currently getting ready for BWL and can train new players. Wishlist loot system.
Interested? Message me on battle.net: Pixiestixie#1256
Thunder Cats, Hoooooooooooooo!
We are mainly Saturday raids but if you think that’s a fit we’d love to have you aboard!
We have MC n Ony on Farm! Getting Ready for BWL! We’ve been around since 1996, Started in Vanilla,went to Retail and came back to Classic. We’re a stable bunch who like to have fun raiding and doing dungeons during the day. Thank you
Raid Schedule is Saturday @ 7:30 PM EST BWL
Raid Schedule for Sunday MC @ 7:30 EST on FARM
DKP Loot System www.clankm .net if you would like to take a peak.
if your interested reply here or bnet vinny#1281 or discord me @ Vinny#5924 or in game - Vinny (Pagle Server)
Hey man! We have a need for mages :). Great group of folks to play with and with plenty of Naxx/private server xp. Here is our spam and good luck with your search !:
Guild Name: Exile
Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore / PVE + PVP. 8/8 Week 1 BWL; 10/10 MC + Split Onyxia
About Us: Exile is a group of players who haven’t played together for years on private servers; we met each other on our individual journeys through Classic WoW on Fairbanks Alliance. Many of us have experienced guilds that have tight-knit inner-circles, built-up cliques, and those types of guilds are tough to break into the inner-circle - it makes it a chore to try and get involved, and become a part of a team. Quit sitting on the bench, and join a team of players who want you to be a part of the experience. Be a part of a growing community, today.
brings consistent, friendly, and accessible raids to players wanting to build a community together. Our goal is to clear all content and give people a place to call home for classic.
Loot: We are a loot council guild comprised of Officers with class lead input. Your performance, contributions to the guild, and preparedness will contribute to you receiving loot.
Raid Times: We currently raid on Tuesday and Thursday from 5PM - 8PM Server Time. Our goal is to clear BWL one day, and MC and Onyxia the other.
Requirements: Level 60 with the ability to commit to showing, prepared and on time, for raid. That said, we understand that real life comes before video games.
Looking For:
- Mages - medium
- Paladins - closed
- Resto Druid - high
- Priests - high
- Warriors - medium
- Hunters - closed
- Rogues – low
- Warlocks - medium
Exceptions can be made for the right people. 
Contact: Tartaglia#9100
We are currently #4 BWL, cleared in 2 Hr
Leadership has Naxxramas / gladiator experience!
We raid Fri @ 1830 and Sat @ 1800 Server time (pst)
We are a Semi Hardcore raiding guild which looks to improve our ranged DPS roster.
Loot is distributed via loot council this is based on attendance and performance. If you have had issues with LC in the past. Ask anyone who joined up how they feel about it and I assure you they’ll tell you it’s more than fair. No “best friends” BS here.
Classes needed:
Warrior: Open
Mage: Open
Paladin: 1 Healer
Priest: 1 Healer
Hunter: Open
Druid: Closed
Rogue: Open
Warlock: Open to top notch players.
Exceptional Transfers will have their cost of moving to the server reimbursed 90 days after transferring to Whitemane. Rules and conditions apply.
feel free to add me in game @ Chemicals#1644 or Fuzzy @ AAPL#1314 or Kitty @ EpicPants #11294