Alliance is winning quite often

The Glav strategy makes Ally win .But you need to backcap after that and turtle . It throws the entire Horde game plan off .

Let’s be honest , Ally lose attacking or defending WG. It does not matter . Horde either just blow us off at SR or go to BT and alliance scatter from SR and get picked off one by one because they have the patience of cats.

Edit:- Oh ya… I forgot the new Horde strategy of running around SR and attacking from the rear. Alliance will not even wait there for extra 1 minute even if you beg them , they will just run off to East Spark.

I have a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to epic battlegrounds so my experience is purely based on regular rbgs.

I think many went horde side thinking they would get automatic wins while still playing like crap.

News Flash - you can’t wander around a battleground fighting rocks and grass and expect to win. No matter what faction you choose.

100% all the people that were told horde is free wins are now on this faction

Just from what i have noticed from doing bgs since the pre patch

alliance dominate randoms atm i have hardly won any as horde and i have lost MAYBE 2 bgs as alliance mercing or playing my 1 alliance toon

epics are yeah still horde dominated

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Ma ges is bodum and a lota scaln’ goen on.

Plus, apparently it’s advantage from going to certain content as the gear drops are better.

There’s some obvious op classes right now. I tried a lock and couldn’t die, tried a warrior and died a lot. Now, I’m a clickedy priest lookn’ to brighten some poor sport’s day. MUHAHAHA.

Like many are saying, it’s prepatch. Don’t take it seriously. I for one, will be breaking and starting a farm character to really get down and invest better on toons. Have never done much raiding outside lfr, seems like a good look at for some change.

I try to keep my teams sticking to the strategy with the fewest assumptions and I figured they wouldn’t ask twice to get to skip content.

you know its normally horde players switching sides for faster que;s and to avoid idiots? Its not just ally players, its horde players trying to avoid the HK farming clowns that do none of the objectives.

We’re just doing mercenary

This is what I was thinking as well, because the amount of “wtf are we doing” games I’ve been a part of as Alliance has super dwindled since prepatch.

I would love to see it extend into SL though!

Edit: I’m talking about regular BGs, I don’t do epics anymore

It’s been nice for sure :slight_smile:

I thought it may be mercenary but very few humans in the BG’s. A lot of the new races tbh

…Which means nothing. For instance, Vulpera turn into Mechagnomes when they merc. Let that soak in for a minute… really take it all in. Ruminate upon it. Let it stew. Remember all those Mechagnomes you’ve been seeing lately? Connect the dots :laughing:

Thanks for your time,


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meh, I switch between the two, I think it is something in ur head when your losing alot.

Most condescending post I’ve read in all my years. Is Chan short for Karen ?

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It really is. Back WoD and pre-WoD winning by a turtle was epic!!! It was the most fun.

Really? I take the cake for “Most condescending post you’ve read in all your years?” You don’t read the forums much, do you? Saw your whopping total of 4 posts. “All your years…:laughing: But seriously: I’m just pulling your leg. Not sure why you’re getting so salty over a little harmless forum banter.

What? This doesn’t make any sense.

Thanks for your time,


Vulpera are little better than rats, it makes sense that they’d turn into the ugliest race on ally side.

But the Horde are winning the epic BGs, fair enough.

Well… the Vulpera are kinda like rats - in some respects, just a whole lot more “UwU.” Can’t say the same about Mechagnomes though… they’re just ugly.

Thanks for your time,


I was going to start a thread about this last night as I was shocked and wondering what was up…
lost 3 bgs in a row on Horde including Wintergrasp (as horde can’t follow instructions) with a 14 min queue on each bg.
Jumped over to the lvl 50 DK on alliance and won 7 in a row with 0 losses… with 3-5 minute queues…

on sargeras the alliance is getting farmed hard, way to many ilvl 80 alliance q’in and getting one shoted while the horde is overgeared.

You can blame Jdro for the 1shots.

It’s been renamed to Jdro one shot macro.

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