Alliance is poo, fite me

I love camping alliance. Especially on the southern STV road, badlands, SoS, etc etc.
It’s not about getting the kill. It’s always been about preventing you from turning in your quests. Have fun alliance. 8 hour queue into hours of being corpse camped. Can’t get enough.


Hahaha I didn’t know super nerds still existed. Thanks for the laugh!


Enjoy your teenage days, adulthood comes too fast.


and now people know where to hunt Horde :slight_smile:

get to it, Alliance high lvls

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Deff Love camping them in desolace, Un’goro, and Azshara. The Rush when the body turns to skelly and you know your about to kill them again. Alliance is Booty Cheeks

Lots of bad Horde here in this thread. Can’t wait to kill you all =)


Come @ me. I’m racked up bodies all over Azeroth. You’re just another skull on the pile.


Desolace has been a mixed bag. Some times i save a horde and they return the favor. Sometimes they ninja my quest item i just cleared too and i have to kill them. Spent a good couple of hours fighting and camping this weekend.

My moneys on y’all being the same crybabies when you get camped by someone whos your own level xD. Typically gankers are trash when it comes to a fair fight.

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That’s the one thing I’ve noticed on alliance that I hate, everyone’s obsessed with a “”“fair fight”"" and “”“honor in pvp”"", like do you not realize world pvp has been an absolute griefing sh@%tfest since day 1? There’s never been “honor” or “fairness” in it and that’s the point. It’s about griefing and making you mad. Alliance love to cry in /1 about “honor” as they run back to their corpses

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I’m not saying it’s not fun to kill people as you wander. I do it at times as well. However, if you’re just gonna sit and camp a lowbie yes I think you’re trash at PVP xD. I signed on to a PVP server I know the risks. Doesnt change my opinion of someone based on their actions.

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I have a clip on my Twitch channel of OP trying to gank me while I was AFK. Heard it happening while in the other room and came back and put him down. Just sayin.


wars will happen either way :3

This - I’ve killed this druid multiple times in STV lmao

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Youll need to get a few more levels before you can think about killing anyone lol

Oh noes!!!

ITT: A bunch of garbage alliance.

This isn’t a RP server nerd

I don’t gank for RP, I gank for pleasure.

I prefer my beef burgers served well-done. Usually I get them frozen first, for convenience.