Alliance griefing horde players in Maldraxxus

Okay now THIS was the detail that was missing…that was nowhere
near clear in the original post…

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Not going to lie I legit thought it was clear enough in OP. Not trying to sound condescending.

That still isn’t griefing though - blizzard needs to fix the bug causing this.

Theres like 18 alliance players sitting on the specified NPC doing this repeatedly…Thats griefing.

The way you keep on adding details… is something else.

It still is a bug.

I’m not adding details, You can go look for your friggan self.

Its griefing, you have an entire zone to duel in that doesnt have NPCs that causes this bug. Why would you continuously duel in that SPECIFIC spot.

Edit: The fact that youre literally attempting to justify their actions means you most likely participated in this exact bug. As far as I know it ONLY happens there. So why duel RIGHT THERE.

No problem, it’s just since there are no specifiers it sounded like you were doing the dueling and some random person got aggroed…so I was like “wait how is that their fault?”, probably should specify the Alliance toon is dueling nearby drawing aggro and you’re doing the quest… something simple like “I’m doing the quest Alliance warlock is dueling nearby.”.

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I see what you mean, Ill edit it again so its specified. Much appreciated!

lol, you are so funny. I don’t even own Shadowlands. It is nice you are admitting this is a bug though because that is what needs fixing, your reporting people for running away isn’t going to get you very far.

The fact that its a bug that causes someone of the opposite faction to die due to your actions is a bug.

The fact that the said opposite factions STILL IS DUELING THERE CAUSING THIS to random Horde players attempting to do the WQ is griefing.

The fact that I have to explain this to you means youre participating or terribly ignorant.

LOL, so thats what happened to me the other day on my DK. I was enjoying my day playing fetch with this awesome pup and all of a sudden he turned on me. I started taking insane dmg and an alliance player was being chased by the doggo. I ended up killing a bunch of little mobs and healed myself to full and ran over to the alliance and yelled some Tauren language at them. And finished my fetch with pup.

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It isn’t griefing to dual ‘x’ place either. As much as you want to get people banned for this, it just isn’t going to happen.

You’re a couple days late.

So I’m not trippin! Its an actual friggan problem

lol yeah i guess so, i didnt even realize what happened honestly. Reading your post makes complete sense though, the damage seemingly came from nowhere, and the dog wasnt even like targetting me or attacking me, but I was loosing health as if he was. He did chase the alliance player down though, all the way over to the area outside ToP with all the NPCs. They didnt die but the dog reset after. Really weird, i was so confused lol.

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Exactly, after the first death I had a wt* moment, respawned and was wondering if the duel was causing the aggro or if it was me, Saw the target of target was on the voidwalker at that point it was 2+2. Once Deathfang despawned I noticed I was dazed as if being hit from behind then I died to some dot, I tried to run away from the area but nope didnt stop it, after respawn I noticed there were ALOT of Alliance players there, kinda like one of those things you dont notice at first until after something catces your eye. Moused over some Horde players and the same thing was happening to them.

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I hate to say it but killing alliance doesn’t work in these instances. For example I had the Maldraxxus WQ to light the torches around the pit. However as I ran around the building I’d run into this druid who would instantly root me which drops the speed buff and fails the quest leading me to restart the whole thing. He try to kill me of course but failed and this went on for awhile each time I tried to complete a lap he’d root me at different spots and I’d kill him which was easier since he had rez sickness at that point. After several tries I gave up since I wasn’t going to drop warmode in addition there was probably something else going on since I figured the res timer would get long enough for me to complete the run but he always popped up.

I have to say for the record, WM is off.

I already pointed out that he edited the post to include that it was with warmode off.

Its clearly stated that it was an edit. It was not until

That it was stated that it was a bug with warmode turned off. My reply was at the same time check time stamps. I then edited my post quick enough that it does not even show an edit, to address this.

If you can not get your head wrapped around this concept, after this post I really don’t see what any further discussion with you could possibly yield other then a headache.

So go to the bug report forums?