[Alliance] <Grave Diggers> Early Morning Raid Team

Grave Diggers is Recruiting!
Grobbulus’ premier morning raiding guild since day one!
ICC 3/12 HM

About us:
We are an early morning raid team comprised mostly of graveyard shift workers, and people from around the world. Our goal is to provide a home for people who need that niche raid schedule and enjoy all content.

Loot list using Thatsmybis Loot distribution is based strictly off performance/attendance and handed out evenly by the raid team as a group.

Weekday Progression Team - Wednesday/Thursday 7AM-10:30AM
Weekend PuG runs - Saturday/Sunday 7AM-10:30AM

Recruitment needs:
The Weekday Team is adding a couple of strong driven players for heroic mode progression. We also run exclusive pugs throughout the week and looking for consistent faces for them. Classes listed below.

Being able to make our early raid times is valuable to us, dont hesitate to reach out of your class isnt listed below.

Weekday Team
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid

•Relief players who are looking for 1 day raiding or general filling/casual play

Weekend Team (Soft reserve PuG run)

If youre interested in our Alt friendly soft reserve pug runs on Saturday morning join our discord and sign up weekly.

Discord link code → PNrZgsv
Or message directly on discord Username “Drillbit.” (Theres a period at the end of the username)

unholy dk 4.1k GS havent played since november and looking to get back into raiding!

Edited classes needed.

I may know someone interested if the times are right. A fun raiding guild for late night workers sounds great!